Being so shy, i've never shown vegetables before, but i've just been looking at the exihibiting rules for the Melplash Show & I think I might go for it this year. A bit of a risk as its not till late august, so what looks good now might have bolted or been eaten by Sister. I'm going to put lables on the plants intended for show, if that doesn't keep Sis off then Mousetraps hidden in the foliage might get the message across. Anyone else show their produce ?
Mrs shiney won about 15 prizes at the local show this year including winning the RHS Banksian medal. All she did was follow the rules of the show. If you grow enough of each thing you get a good chance of picking good ones. e.g. she only had to pick six runner beans from the 30lb I picked the day before. :yess:
Hi Ziggy. Been showing for the past 20 years, Started with Roses then Glads now i show Fuchsias i also judge at local level, Most shows fellow exhibitors will take time out and show you a few tips, and normally the judge will be around till the end of show to answer any questions. Best of luck and let us know how you get on. Bob
Well not before now but I am going to give it a go in our local fete thingy, just harvested some cracking japanese onions so will show some of them if they keep okay until September. Also anything else that looks good, it will be a bit of fun.
Cheers everyone, Think i'll go ahead and fill the forms in. Its 50p per entry but if you enter £8 worth of categories you get a free entry ticket worth £10. So it would be worth entering 16 different categories even if I don't have stuff ready. Just want to make sure I beat HFW this year Don't know whether Steve's pumpkins will be big enough by then.
Zig, as long as you don`t take it too serious it is great fun. Just put in the best veg you have at the time. Which classes are you thinking of entering?
Hi Ziggy. I wouldn't be shy Anyway, what's the worst that can happen ? I entered some stuff YEARS ago, and without really trying, my cabbages came second ! Good luck. Cheers...Freddy.
:D, You two Thinking about entering Beetroot, Parsnips, Kelsae, Sweetcorn, Spuds, inc. Pink Fir Apples which have been grown in the hotbed, Tomatoes, 3 different French Beans, Red Mullet Beans, Peas (Ne Plus Ultra, Champion of England & Early Onwards) Blubbing Fennel, Pak Choi, Carrots & any Squashes that come on for starters. I just remember the fiasco of trying to enter my dog at Crufts, and the Judges trying to drag me off:DOH:
Ziggy, get a schedule and stick to it like glue, what they stipulate you HAVE to adhere to otherwise you will be declared NAS, Not As Schedule. And you will be disqualified from that class.