Lots of pic of staged veg here Exhibition show vegetables P.S. That's not my stuff in that link, it's Veg Man Dan's.
Scrungee , thanks for sharing the exhibition of vegetables..Your planted vegetables looking very fresh and pure...
I have 'Growing for Showing'(George Whitehead) that's full of useful tips. If you list what you're entering I could quote or PM larger, scanned chunks of it.
Been reading this thread with great interest,our Allotment Society is linked with th local village show on August Bank Holiday. A couple of the plot holders have asked me to put some entries in the veg section . I have exhibited flowers many years ago but never done veg..I have picked up a few useful tips on here so will start looking what I might have ready . My onions are still in the ground ,any chance of them being ok to show if I lift ASAP ? My shallots are in the greenhouse . Dave
Yes, lift them now and it will give them a chance to dry a bit before you check them to see which ones might be suitable.
Just off to get the show shedeule. Have weathered the heavy rain to lift some onions on the allotment that look good .. Dave
My caravan is filling up with drying out vegetables, we've had torrential rain in Dorset with flash floods.
I didn't realise just how much is involved showing veg. I certainly won't be going down this road, I'd rather show dogs and I haven't got any of those. Good luck to everyone though, looking forward to hearing your results.
Hi Sheal I have never grown Veg in 48 years I was a true flower man . Got this allotment last year on retiring, and got the Veg bug this season .i still have the flowers as well .. Dave
Thanks Davy, but I'll stick to my shrubs and flowers. Two years ago I grew enough plants from cuttings for two hedges for other people. Hebe and Escallonia. This year I have got more than twenty under way for a new Ceonothus hedge for myself. I like the challenge of growing these and other plants. It's my favourite part of gardening. Good luck with the allotment.
Sheal, wait till you really get the bug . At the moment Mrs Shiney has over 1,500 seedlings, cuttings and young plants on the go with about another thousand or so planned