I have clicked the 'Thanks' button when I have had a reply to a message of reply to me, and also I thank in my message too. But why is the 'Remove Thanks' there?.. I can't see that anyone who has given thanks this way would want to remove it, so do I have to remove my thanks when say I know the person has seen that I thanked them that way?..
Hi Twinkle, no you don't delete them unless you want to.. It is just a very nice & definite way of saying thank you to the person or vice versa.. The thanks are logged at the bottom of yourscreen profile.. How many you have given & how many you receive & that all helps to add to your reputation on GC...
I have used the remove thanks button when I accidently hit the thanks button while using my extremely touchy phone. The thanks I accidently added would have looked very strange on that particular post!
Actually the mobiles on which you can write messages just with the tip of your fake nails, they are really too small for me...