So, any ideas?

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Maddie, Mar 27, 2010.

  1. Melinda

    Melinda Gardener

    May 28, 2010
    Lahndan Tahn
    Yay!! Get the tea and biscuits ready!

    What's the weather doing today?
  2. Maddie

    Maddie Gardener

    Feb 21, 2010
    It isn't too bad! Had rain for the past few days but today - although not blue skies, is dry so far. Kettle on, biccies out and I'm taking the camera out for from meadow to cut pictures!
  3. Maddie

    Maddie Gardener

    Feb 21, 2010
    Oh wow.. they actually came and did it! Well, most of it, back tomorrow to finish up. My word what a difference. We are all so tired but so happy with the progress! It isn't perfect but it is a start. It is going to take a long while to get a lawn, the paths dug up (yep, there are stones under all the grass), the hedges trimmed and shaped and so on and so forth. But I am so relieved that I can, at least, walk through without falling over.

    Well anyway, as for pictures, this is where we are at. Everyone can see the before these before pictures. But here is what our meadow looked like this morning.


    Yes, that is a random shopping trolley.

    This this afternoon..



    We still have this area to go..

    But that will be gone tomorrow, along with the hedges being trimmed and old paths being dug out.

    I can't wait to have a blank canvas to work with!

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