
Discussion in 'Members Hobbies' started by Flowerpot, Jul 31, 2011.

  1. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    Hi caz, used to live near the Wilts Somerset border & one night near Tuckers Grave we were convinced we saw a UFO, but never seen anything like it since.. :rolleyespink: Or maybe it was the influence I was under from Tucker's but it was unlike anything any of us had seen... So I am curious but would like some in my face evidence & I am not sure crop circles are, so someone give me real hard evidence....

    Oh & I am pretty certain your flower is Lacy phacelia Phacelia tanacetifolia.. Farmers plant it as a cover crop, the flowers are fantastic for Bees too..!! They love the flowers as they are laden with pollen & nectar.... :yess:
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    • *dim*

      *dim* Head Gardener

      Jun 26, 2011
    • PeterS

      PeterS Total Gardener

      Mar 18, 2005
      N Yorks
      Dim - thanks for your first link about crop circles. I read the whole lot through and particularly liked the video about the flower of life. I like mathematics and geometry, which contain some beautiful things - but they don't necessarily have to be alien.

      However, I am afraid that the idea of crop circles has some apparent inconsistencies. As the closest star, Alpha centauri, is 3.8 light years away, it would take at a round trip of at least 7.6 years (traveling at the speed of light) to reach earth. You would think that after such a long trip the aliens would at least make themselves known and book a fortnight's holiday, rather than make crop circles. Another point, that your link pointed out, was - why do they only exist in England? They are virtually unknown (only 3 ever made) in the USA which is the centre for alien sightings.

      I have also looked at the links in your last post. But they appear to be entering the realm of spirituality and religeon rather than the world facts.
    • *dim*

      *dim* Head Gardener

      Jun 26, 2011
      thanks Peter, like I said, read with an open mind and decide for yourself

      as for aliens, I believe that we are visited frequently, and much has been written and discussed by the late Zecharia Sitchin as regards the Annunaki ... makes for very interesting reading ... here is a youtube video (there are more parts)

      ‪Zecharia Sitchin interview Part 1‬‏ - YouTube

      too many professional highly educated people report sightings and they can't all be mental or whacky? ...

      there was recently a few videos with retired USA generals / army personel stating at a conference that they witnessed UFO's shut down nuclear military bases ....
      UFOs Manipulated Nuclear Missiles, say Former Military Officers at Press Conference -- High Strangeness --

      I also believe that a lot of reported UFO sightings are actually our own hidden technology (secret stealth fighter jets etc) ... but I also believe that many governments have (and are) interacting with beings from other planets

      perhaps when TPTB (the powers that be) feel we are ready to be introduced to the facts, they will disclose fully

      but up until that point, there will always be 3 camps of people .... those who believe, those who don't and those who are 'borderline' and sit on the fence

      if they do indeed give full disclosure, there may be total chaos as it will mess with many religous beliefs etc (when war of the worlds was broadcast on radio in 1938, some people thought it was true and there was total chaos
    • Boghopper

      Boghopper Gardener

      Dec 6, 2008
      (East) Sussex by the Sea
      What I find baffling, is that if they are man made, wouldn't the perpetrators a) want more recognition for what the have done and b) carry on, year after year producing ever more intrictate designs - for no reward?

      Another consideration is the size. Some are huge, 100s of feet across and created with such precision, it's difficult to see how a couple of blokes, fresh from the pub, could remain in silent communication over such distances while they work.

      Whatever the answer, at least it's making us humans talk about something other than ourselves! Here are some beautiful examples.

      Attached Files:

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      • Marley Farley

        Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

        May 11, 2005
        Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
        Under the Edge Zone 8b
        Wow those are superb ones Chris..! :sunny: It is baffling though...
      • ARMANDII

        ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

        Jan 12, 2019
        Well, dim, I read and listened to the links you provided [thank you] but again it's the same old "evidence", theories and beliefs being retreaded:wallbang:. I honestly didn't see one thing there that was actual evidence to could convince anyone who was a disbeliever, but wanted to believe, that it was true. You'd think after centuries of visits and subtle and direct interfering with our ancestors genes and DNA somebody somewhere would have indisputable evidence.
        There are so many conspiracy theories out there on so many different subjects that people have rock like faith and belief in that it makes the mind boggle. While I believe it's natural and necessary that the human mind is curious, needs to look for a point in Life, the Universe and a reason for actually existing,

        I do "despair" sometimes when I listen to arguments for visitations from other planets, The Bermuda Triangle [how many dozens of authors have got rich from that one?!], the CIA theory [sorry Peter], the fact that man didn't land on the Moon but it was all done in a film studio and that we still haven't landed on the Moon [does anyone out there still believe that?], and see the almost childlike look in some believers eyes when they're expounding their belief. Don't give me a belief, give me evidence., is that too much to ask for:scratch:

        But if there are aliens visiting us from space I can see why they haven't contacted us. There's been wars, killing, violence, greed, since Day One. We allow millions of people to die from starvation, thirst and disease because we value round pieces of metal and slips of printed paper more. We kill to make other races conform to our "standards" and beliefs. "If you don't believe in my God then I'll enslave, convert you or kill you"
        is not the actions of any race on any other planet I'd want to visit, and Earth is no different.

        So if Aliens are responsible for altering the genes and DNA of our ancestors to make us what we are, as a species, that I'd really like to meet them, just so that I could give them a Black Eye.:D
        Anyone want to borrow the Soap Box??:heehee:
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        • Marley Farley

          Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

          May 11, 2005
          Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
          Under the Edge Zone 8b
          :dbgrtmb: My sentiments entirely Armandii.. :dbgrtmb:
        • ClaraLou

          ClaraLou Total Gardener

          Aug 12, 2009
          It doesn't have to be a couple of blokes who are half-cut on their way back from the boozer, though, does it? It is much more likely to be a group of very well organised individuals who get a kick out of showing off their artistic skills and perpetrating an elaborate hoax just for the sake of winding up the gullible. People will do a lot of things, I've found. :D There is always some gee-whiz programme or other on the telly claiming that something or other could not possibly have been done by ordinary humans. Generally it turns out that it could be achieved quite simply.

          On a rather different tack, do you remember Erich Von Daniken, who tried to convince us that spacemen from another planet had visited Earth? He found ancient carvings to 'prove' his point - figures wearing space suits which looked strangely like those from the Apollo space missions. :) The idea that he might have considered a more mundane explanation clearly never occurred to him. Or perhaps he didn't think it would sell his books.
          • Like Like x 2
          • ARMANDII

            ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

            Jan 12, 2019
            There was a program some years ago about Crop Circles taking in the US and British incidents. On both sides of the Pond there were guys who were quite willing to show you how they did. They strapped short planks to their feet and, following a plan proceeded to make a most intricate and amazing Crop Circles.

            I take my hat off to them as they were talented, artistic, and had a mischievous inclination to stir things up, while having a good laugh and snigger at the fanatical believers who came rushing down to feed off the spectacle.:D
          • *dim*

            *dim* Head Gardener

            Jun 26, 2011
            of course I don't believe that man walked on the moon in the 1960's ... I've read loads of info on both sides of the story and have drawn my own conclusions

            I also don't believe that 9/11 was the mastermind of some arabs with boxcutters living in a cave (3 buildings fell and there were only 2 planes?)

            so ... I don't believe everything that governments say (especially after hearing Bill Clinton's statement: I did not have sexual relations with that woman)
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            • Flowerpot

              Flowerpot Gardener

              May 15, 2011
              Self Employed Courier
              Oh nice to see the thread has a lot of mixed replys.
              I will still keep an open mind, i find it pretty clever how a group of blokes can produce a lovely looking formation in the field in the dark and so quickly, as no one as far as i know has been caught in the act, and not sure who said in a post that spaceships from aliens wouldn't leave such cropcircle shapes, it will appear that the aliens are giving us humans messages for the future in the formations they leave for us, and yes i do believe some are man made. I have put some piccies on of circles i've been into doesn't look very impressive from the ground but i will show the ariel view of what it looks like.

              The 1st and 4th picture was this big cropcircle Crop Circle at Roundway Hill, nr Devizes, Wiltshire.Reported 23rd Julytree 2011. not stanton bridge.

              2nd one was this time last year i'm the blonde in the tramline next to the money donation box and the 3rd one i never went into but shortly after the farmer cut it out, and the last one was this one...Crop Circle at Barbury Castle (2), Nr Wroughton, Wiltshire. Reported 2nd July. 2011.

              Attached Files:

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              • ClaraLou

                ClaraLou Total Gardener

                Aug 12, 2009
                I still wonder why such clever beings would choose crop circles as the preferred means of communication, or why their messages are so cryptic.

                Tell us something useful, aliens. How to make cold fusion work, for example.
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                • Boghopper

                  Boghopper Gardener

                  Dec 6, 2008
                  (East) Sussex by the Sea
                  Good for you Caz! Nice, open minded, unbiased view of the possibilities. Also jealous of your closeness to formations - East Sussex is a bit too far away to visit often.

                  Incidentally, the lads from the pub (!:heehee:) have been busy. There were no fewer than 25 formations in July. AND they did for with no recognition for all their hard work!!!:D
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                  • PeterS

                    PeterS Total Gardener

                    Mar 18, 2005
                    N Yorks
                    Armandii - I would agree with nearly everything you say. However, whlst the suggestion that the CIA invented flying saucers is, technically, a theory about a conspiracy, I would suggest that it is not a conspiracy theory - rather the opposite.

                    There is a simple scientific principle that for any phenomenon you chose the simplest logical explanation. And only if that doesn't explain the facts, you look at other less likely explanations. The essence of conspiracy theories is that they overlook the simplest explanation and invoke a much less likely explanation. For instance, the old lady next door might be a werewolf, but I chose to take the simplest explanation that she isn't, as I have no evidence otherwise.

                    To me the simplest explanation of UFOs is that stories were encouraged by the CIA, who had both the means and a strong need to do so. They did this to cover their secret aircraft research and experiments during the cold war. There is nothing to suggest that this, the simplest answer, is wrong. And on the contrary there are a lot of people who have been interviewed who admit it. The suggestion that UFOs are alien is a much less likely answer and should only be considered if there is good evidence that the CIA didn't invent and encourage UFO stories.

                    The UFO story goes back to pre war Germany. Germany was experimenting with flying disks as one of their secret weapons powered by the Biefeld-Brown effect which can cause a disc to hover apparently weightless and without the apparent consumption of any power. This could be described as a conspiracy theory, except for the fact that it is a well known effect - even though physicists are not entirely sure how it works. Biefeld There are patents for this going back to 1934. I have seen working models demonstrated on TV, and apparently it is a project that is often given to physics undergraduates.

                    The Americans took all this work back to the USA and started to research it and to build models. So the original secret weapons were literally flying saucers. The Biefeld-Brown effect can't be scaled up even today, so the Americans then powered their flying disks with jet engines. But these were very difficult to control. Do you remember the flying bedstead? Research went down many avenues and eventually ended up as Streath. In the cold war, there was a great need for secrecy, so it seems logical that they went to great lengths to cover their tracks. Consequently I regard the CIA involvment in the propagation of UFO stories as being the most likely and logical explanation. Whilst alien involvment is far less likely.

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