Raspberry/blackberry bush

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Greecko, Aug 2, 2011.

  1. Greecko

    Greecko Gardener

    Jul 29, 2011
    Tyrone, NI - zone 9
    Ive Recently bought a Raspberry and blackberry bush from homebase (only place ive seen them available) and their still in their potting as my garden isnt ready and really id like them to go in it than at my own house

    The raspberry plant is a "polka" so curious as to whether it needs different requirements, says the plants 2 year old on the labelling but its roughly 40-50cm high, should I plant it in a bigger pot and if so what soil or conditions roughly or any fertiliser? also watering im hopeless at, I know they need quite a bit but like well drained soil though mine shows zero sign of flowers atm

    the Blackberry bush is much smaller, barely 30cm high and unsure its age, it is a "waldo" variety, again wondering the same requirements or what I should be doing with it like the raspberry bush, especially watering as im aware that can kill a plant faster than not watering enough

    The idea of pruning scares me incase i take away too much, also from reading its done later in the year, basically im looking a little guidance on keeping them healthy until their new home is ready

    thank you in advance, Chris
  2. cathysue

    cathysue Gardener

    Jan 24, 2005
    Found this Buy raspberry - primocane (mainly autumn fruiting) raspberry 'Polka (PBR)' which sounds nice and suggests that it can be grown in a large pot as a patio plant.
    And this for the blackberry Thornless Blackberry 'Waldo' - The Diggers Club. I couldn't see anything about pruning blackberries though in any of the suppliers details but wikipedia Blackberry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia says that blackberries fruit on the previous years growth so it would seem logical that you cut back 'canes' after they have fruited.
  3. Greecko

    Greecko Gardener

    Jul 29, 2011
    Tyrone, NI - zone 9
    Thanks Cathysue, Ive been looking myself and seems Ive got two prolific fruiters, which in the end is what im after, I love raspberries and blackberries and where I live weve both growing wild, raspberries very small obviously but the blackberries are huge and a lot more numerous, I reckon I need treetreetreetreetreetree pots to help grow them on and try and look about some manure(easy got living beside a farm) and some decent oil for them..still not too sure whats the best "drainage" soil or if compost would even work

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