Hi - Can anyone help me find out why my beetroot has grown lovely healthy leaves but the beetroot themselves are only small. They are grown in a small patch in my back garden - Thanks
Spacing is fine then, they just need time to make energy from the sun to store in the bulb. The ones I started off in January are now 6-7 inches across but the later sowings still haven't blubbed up.
Been cutting them up, blanching and freezing them this week, they're fine Been eating them in curries too The biggest ones are going in the show.
and, don't dispose of the leaves ... they taste better than spinach! steam or boil the leaves and drain mix 1/2 cup of extra virgin oil with 1/4 cup of fresh lemon juice, salt and cracked black pepper drizzle all the oil/lemon mixture over the hot beetroot leaves
Blimey, that must have been a long time ago:D You must have a very long memory Dai. Ziggy never seen a 7inch beetroot, what variety are they, any chance of a pic
I was traumatised by it Pete, had this huge dinner "lady " (for want of a better word ) stood over us, until every morsel was eaten.
Did they have school dinners then ? Can't find my camera lead at the moment Pete, but this was it a few weeks back, Its bigger than that now. Can't remember what variety it is, i'll go and look at a seed catalogue to see if it jogs my memory. They were planted in the hotbed in January I think.
Thanks for your help everyone. Did'nt realise you could start them off in January though. Also did'nt know you could eat the leaves so I'll have plenty to go at. Thanks again - Irene
Quite right too, bet you knew you'd eaten them the next day.:D Ziggy I've never seen them multi stemmed kind, what do you do to get them to grow like that? Mine would have bolted before doing something like that I'm sure, in fact mine stopped growing a few weks ago due to the dry weather.