Coleus Diseased?

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by HBK, Aug 22, 2011.

  1. HBK

    HBK Gardener

    Sep 5, 2010
    I'll keep this nice and short. I have 5 large coleus plants in a pot in my living room and there are white spots on some of them. It started on one and seems to have spread (only to the orange ones strangely enough). Anyway, I wondered if it was a disease and if I can 'cure' it?


    Thanks again!
  2. oniongrower

    oniongrower Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 23, 2011
    United Kingdom

    It looks like a few things so I will list what I think it might be bellow.

    1.) Do you water your plants with a watering can with a rose attatchment from above so the water falls on the leaves? If this is the case then sometimes small dropplets form on the leaves and when the sun hits those dropplets they can act like a mignifying glass and cause bad burning on the leaf where the water dropplet was. That is why it is advisable to waster pot plants that are grown indoors fron the base and if they need misting put then somewhere out of direct sun until all water foliage has dried.

    2.) It could be a (impatiens necrotic spot virus) or INVS for short. That can cause things like lead spot and ringspot which can affect coleus plants.

    3.) Nutrient defficiency can be onother problem with pot grown houseplants and this time of year they are needing regular feeding.

    4.) Last thing could be a spider mite or just old age in the actual plant.

    If I was a betting man (which I am not :WINK1: ) I would go with numbers 1 or 2 as the problems you are experiencing with your coleus plant.

    Hope that helps :)
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