flowering shrubs

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by dustylfc, Mar 19, 2010.

  1. dustylfc

    dustylfc Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 19, 2010
    hi all am a newbie but let just say i aint the green fingered type..yet
    behind my back fence i have alot of bracken and rubble the odd tree, i think there plum, they are in my garden but because of the state this section is i erected a fence to hide it, but i have put in a gate for accsess, what i want is too plant shrubs that will grow above the fence like a back ground filler, so the shrub or shrubs would have to be hardy and colourful and grow pretty much without my attention, not sure if there is such a thing i would like to have colour all year round, so i may have to mix and match, the fence is 6 feet tall with a 3ft bank behind it full of what i mentioned earlier, the length is 30ft any suggestions please regards dusty.
  2. Brind

    Brind Gardener

    Aug 9, 2008
    Take a look at Escallonia. There are numerous colours, they're evergreen with very nice leaves. They will become dense and will reach 8 feet in height given the chance.

    Obviously, the flowers will only appear and stick around in the warmer months.

    I have several mini escallonia hedges growing.

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