Stupid passport rules

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by clueless1, Sep 12, 2011.

  1. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    [Rant warning]

    Just been trying to get a passport for the lad. He is 2 years old.

    The post office rejected the application, because we hadn't had the photos and form countersigned.

    I phone the passport office to enquire if this was necessary (both the guide booklet and the website were a bit vague on child passport rules). It seems the post office lady was right.

    So, I need someone to countersign his application. It has to be someone that has known him at least 2 years, holds a professional position, and has a UK passport. Now lets see who do I know that meets that criteria. I know, me, the lad's father. His mam ticks two of the three boxes too (she lacks the professional employment bit, but given that she went through the several hours of pain to bring him into the world, has never been separated from him since his birth, except for a few hours here and there, I'd have thought she would be a safe bet for verifying his identity too.

    Of course, the rules have to prevent people from getting passports for kids that aren't theirs. That's fair enough. Now how might they tackle that. I know, they could ask for the lad's full birth certificate, and the passport numbers of both parents. That way they can check all the records they like.

    But no, just to make life that little bit less easy, they also need a stranger who has never even met my son, to verify his identity. The fully checkable details of the parents just wont do.

    [/Rant over]
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    • pete

      pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

      Jan 9, 2005
      Mid Kent
      Yep, its a stupid system.
      I also resent the "professional" that's needed to confirm who you are.

      It smacks of Victorian values.
      • Like Like x 3
      • ClaraLou

        ClaraLou Total Gardener

        Aug 12, 2009
        Yes, I resent the 'professional' bit too. They might as well put 'none of your plebby mates from down the pub, please' :D. Now that MPs, journalists and top bankers have been outed as villains it really is a bit much. Clueless, I believe that one way round the problem is to ask your GP to verify things ... depending on how obliging he/she is prepared to be, of course.

        Talking of 'professionals', I just went into the local pharmacy to pick up a routine prescription. To my surprise, I was shooed into a side room and the door shut firmly behind me before I had time to make my excuses and do a runner. 'You haven't completed a medication review!' the pharmacist complained, as though I had been wilfully tardy with an important piece of first form homework. I had no idea what she was going on about. It turned out to be a list of routine questions, which were clearly targeted at drooling idiots who can't get their pyjama bottoms on without assistance. Did I know what I was taking? Did I understand what it was for? Did I have any trouble in swallowing it? Please. Next time I shall be prepared with some very, very rude answers. No wonder no one gets anything done any more. They're all too busy inventing pretend tasks.
        • Like Like x 6
        • miraflores

          miraflores Total Gardener

          Apr 16, 2006
          mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
          Exactly, that is really funny.
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          • Phil A

            Phil A Guest

            Just had simliar problems in trying to cash in my boy's premium bonds to buy a moped.

            They sent a letter back saying because he's now 16 I can't withdraw them as they need his signature, which they haven't got on account of him being little when I bought the bonds:DOH:

            Or is this just an excuse to hold onto the money for another few weeks.

            ........Oh, off to start another Zigs theory thread....:runhills::D
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            • Fidgetsmum

              Fidgetsmum Total Gardener

              Jul 25, 2009
              Deepest, darkest Kent
              For a small fee (probably) your GP will countersign a passport application.
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              • clueless1

                clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

                Jan 8, 2008
                Problem solved, almost.

                I'm going to drive the 100+ miles back to Sheffield to meet up with some of my old work mates there. One of them can countersign it.

                It did occur to me though that if someone is new to an area, and hasn't got to know anyone well in that area yet (and hasn't even been there for two years anyway), it is a bit of a nightmare for them.

                Ok, you can get the GP to do it, but they charge a fee. Passports are expensive as it is, some families would really struggle to pay additional fees too. It just seems a bit unfair. I can afford the hassles of either paying the GP or paying for the fuel to drive down to see my old mates, but if we were a skint family who'd saved all year for a cheap family holiday abroad, that few extra quid is a significant outlay.

                I'd understand if it made sense, but all my Sheffield mates can say is that they know me and have done for at least 2 years. That doesn't prove anything at all. It offers no additional security advantage whatsoever. The lad I'm going to ask to do the countersigning has never even met my son. He only has my word for it that I even have a son. For all he knows I could have spun up an elaborate web of lies for the last couple of years due to some form of insanity, and he is going to sign a form to say I'm telling the truth. Whereas the birth certificate can be traced and verified and linked to us, his parents. And his mam and I both have easily traceable paper trails that the authorities can check any time they need to.
                • Like Like x 1
                • Trunky

                  Trunky ...who nose about gardening

                  Apr 23, 2011
                  Professional Gardener (retired)
                  East Suffolk
                  Stupid isn't it? However, this is the way things work in the 'land of mad bureaucracy' which we have become.
                  Systems must be followed, boxes must be ticked. Your application will no doubt be processed by someone who is unable to deviate from the procedures laid out by 'the system'.
                  They will have been rendered incapable of exercising any form of discretion, or of demonstrating initiative of any kind by their induction training when first appointed.
                  All of this will, of course, be easily circumvented by those who are 'up to no good'.
                  • Like Like x 2
                  • Daisies

                    Daisies Total Gardener

                    May 26, 2005
                    Well, I do freelance, occupational health work. My CV is online so usually an agency rings me up and asks me if I'm available for such and such a date, I say yes, they send me the address and off I go.

                    A while ago I was asked if I would do some work for a council. It would just be a few weeks. I said yes and waited to be given the address and dates. Two weeks later I was asked to phone a number for a telephone interview. I did so and got asked how long had I been doing OH. I told him 17 years. Then I was asked was I familiar with doing hearing tests, taking blood pressures and giving flu jabs! (If I'm not - would somebody please tell me what I have been doing this last 17 years! :DOH:) And this was another nurse asking me!

                    Okay, we got through that but then .......... then the agency emails me 4 documents, a total of 14 pages, which I'm required to print off, complete and post. Within these four documents, each of them requires me to enter my NI number. I am also required to fill in details of all my previous employments including job description and number of staff responsible for (for 50+ years? they have got to be kidding!).

                    But this was the best bit: I am also required to send 2 referees, copies of 2 utility bills to prove I live where I've said I live, my certificate of training (circa 1962!), pc of my driving license, my immunisation histories and blood tests (HepB, TB, tetanus, rubella and polio) and yes, the photo signed on the back thus ....

                    I ended up posting back about 30 pages! Hope they enjoyed reading my War and Peace! :loll:
                    • Like Like x 4
                    • Aesculus

                      Aesculus Bureaucrat 34 (Admin)

                      Apr 30, 2008
                      Isle of Wight
                      I know passports are a real pain and that doctors small fee is normally about £30! I haven't managed to get one yet as I keep putting it off as my eyes water just looking at how much it's going to cost me
                      • Like Like x 1
                      • Phil A

                        Phil A Guest

                        I'll do it for £15 plus the postage:dbgrtmb:
                        • Like Like x 1

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