How often to rake and weed and feed safe with animals???

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by oakdaledave, Mar 9, 2010.

  1. oakdaledave

    oakdaledave Gardener

    Jan 22, 2010
    Hi everyone,

    1) How often should I rake my grass? I use a hover mower.

    2) I have a lively springer Spaniel who is into everything, is there a lawn weed and feed that is safe to use with a dog that is always in the garden?

    Any advice offered would be very much appreciated - thank you
  2. The Rockhopper

    The Rockhopper Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 1, 2010
    1) With regards to raking the lawn not sure what you mean, Grass clippings/thatch/decorative apperance.

    2) In this situation personally i would not use any chemical weed and feeds at all, i would try and improve the lawn by using organic methods that are kind to aniimals such as dogs, apart from the usual hollow tining, top dressing etc. Try looking at manure based foilier feeds which are limited in their presence on the turf with regards to residue, blood and bone is a good organic straight for lawn care just follow the instructions on the packet for application, timings etc. Large weeds can be dug out and the lawn patched, smaller weeds could be dealt with by use of a selective organic herbicide but be sure to follow the instructions with regards to pets, they mean what they say..
  3. oakdaledave

    oakdaledave Gardener

    Jan 22, 2010
    I mean how often should I rake to remove moss etc, sorry if I was not too clear.
  4. The Rockhopper

    The Rockhopper Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 1, 2010

    Many would prob disagree but i would say in spring rake the moss hard ripping it out with a springtine rake dress if needed and over sow, then leave till sept-oct and repeat. If moss is a particular problem also look at other means of control such as removing worm casts before mowing, mow close and regular.


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