Victorian Kitchen Garden -December

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Phil A, Dec 5, 2010.

  1. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    If you lot behave yourselves & don't trawl through the entire series in one go :D i'll post the relevant video every month for the next year.:thumb:

    I'm afraid you only get the first 10 mins though, probably some copyright thing.
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    • Marley Farley

      Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

      May 11, 2005
      Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
      Under the Edge Zone 8b
      :gnthb: I have it on dvd Zig & no dvd player this weekend now as it has just packed up so will have to get another one.... :dh:

      Please do remind us of Harry & what he was doing Ziggy.. They left it all to him until he died....I loved the series & have it all on DVD... Veg garden, the Flower garden & the cook................. :thmb: A fantastic series & Harry was man in a million & worth his weight in gold I think............. I was bought the books too at the same time as I was so taken with it all.......
      :cry: I for one, am heart broken that it is all gone now....

      I also, am heart broken to think all that work has just been thrown away.....
      Harry was such a wonderful unassuming man with a wealth of knowledge most of us would like to have..... I am heaet broken it has all gfone by the by & his house & all the offices & garden rooms of one kind or another, the Rhubarb forcing room, the storage rooms & the boiler rooms.................. All gone now & are holiday homes now.................. The garden is wrack & ruin...!!!!!!
      I was heart broken to find that out..... :cnfs:Why...????????????????????????????????????????
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      • Phil A

        Phil A Guest

        Oh Marley, I didn't mean to make you cry :cry:

        Thats why i'm involved with historic buildings, any changes must be reversable. If in the future people want to return it to the original use then it must be possible for them, buildings and gardens.

        Yes, Harry has gone. (I don't think my obituary will read as good as his,

        But his learning and legacy lives on through all the lives he has touched.

        You and I both loved the series, have the books and the knowledge.

        It's still spreading, Chopper now has my books & by posting the videos here, a whole new generation will benefit from Harrys' knowledge.

        Lets keep his memory alive in our gardens.
      • Kristen

        Kristen Under gardener

        Jul 22, 2006
        Suffolk, UK
        Thoroughly enjoyed the series - which I watched about 6 months ago on Blighty I think.

        I expect it will come round again?
      • Marley Farley

        Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

        May 11, 2005
        Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
        Under the Edge Zone 8b
        :cry: Well I wasn't quite crying but I think I will now.................
        I would have loved to have worked for him..... I worked in a large garden in Fairford when I left school....... An eye opener, but not what it had been in years gone by... The gardener old gardener there then,Tom, was a great person & I learnt allot from himMiss him & his own Orchids...

        Watching is one thing, but I sure would have loved to have had that personal hands on guidance from him.... Such a congenial guy but a stickler for what was right...... Oh dear seems like I am having a bit of a nostalgia weekend this weekend.... Think I need some help Zig.???? :D

        Seriously. Harry was the last of a kind & was an inspiration as far as I m concerned
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        • Phil A

          Phil A Guest

          Sorry, you looked like you were crying from your post. I wasn't crying a few minutes ago at the end of Apollo 13, I just had something in my eye.:wink:

          Fairford ? Is that near Lechlade ? Worked on inglesham church near there.

          I worked in 24 acres of the College of Law grounds in Guildford when I was younger. The head gardener didn't have a clue. Think I knew more than him, even at my tender age. Had to bite my lip when he tried to pronounce the latin names.:hehe: But it was a great time of my life. I learned that you could fill the petrol tanks with a lit cigarette in your mouth without exploding and that if you are surrounded by complete garden morons, then you can hoe round opium poppies in the rose garden & the rest of the "gardeners" couldn't tell them from the roses.
        • Marley Farley

          Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

          May 11, 2005
          Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
          Under the Edge Zone 8b
          Now how did you know I had something in my eye too then..??!! :doh:

          Fairford certainly is near Lechlade Zig... Croft House to be precise...... :wink: I think I learn't more from Tom than anyone else as regards gardening Zig, plus all sorts of tips as well.... :thumb:
        • Phil A

          Phil A Guest

          I could tell :cutflwrs:
        • redstar

          redstar Total Gardener

          Aug 6, 2008
          Domestic Goddess
          Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
          Interesting, Ziggy. I'll try to watch more of them.
        • Phil A

          Phil A Guest

          Not yet Redstar, you'll spoil it for next month. Gardeners need something to keep their attention in January :D
        • Atticus L

          Atticus L Gardener

          Apr 20, 2010
          West Midlands, England.

          I never met Harry and I could kick myself for not making the effort to visit him while I had the chance. I'm so grateful that the Victorian Garden series exists. These amazing feats of Victorian gardeners are there for us to actually see.

          The Kitchen series with Harry and Ruth the cook sniping at each other is hilarious.
        • Phil A

          Phil A Guest

          That is a shame Atticus.
          I'll flag up the kitchen series around mid month, when the snow comes back and we are really going stir crazy.
        • BAC211

          BAC211 Apprentice Gardener

          Jun 19, 2011
          Harry Dodson Chilton Foliat

          I took some photographs of the Back Sheds when i had a brief look around the walled Gardeon about 20 months ago
        • BAC211

          BAC211 Apprentice Gardener

          Jun 19, 2011
          War Time Kitchen and Garden

          I have got all 8 programmes

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