
Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by watergarden, Oct 22, 2011.

  1. watergarden

    watergarden have left the forum because...i'm a sad case

    Jan 14, 2007
    (still having a tidy up) I have some certificates that I got from work, by that I mean I had to go on a course and then sit an "exam" then get a "certificate"

    Has anyone else got any certificates? Or are some like mine? if the truth was known the course was either a complete waste of time, or you passed so long ago (and I do mean years ago) that you have forgotten what it was that you knew then.

    Oh, I don't mean things like first aid. I guess I mean things that are specific to your industry. I also have a "well done" letter, at the time it was nice, but now? so what have you got? (mine are going in the shredder)
  2. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Somewhere in the Chaos, I have a Marine VHS Radio certificate & licence, a certificate saying i'm a founder member of the local astronomical society & I should have a Helifix Wall Tie installer cert, but I have to pay the company who provided the course for me.
  3. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    Somewhere (unless I've chucked it), I have a certificate to prove I know how to use a software package called Loadrunner (load testing software that I think has been defunct for years now).

    I also have a certificate to say I'm a fully qualified SAP ABAP programmer. Work sent us on a five day course at SAP UK HQ and then we ended up not adopting SAP.

    I also have certificates somewhere that demostrate my abilities as a Microsoft Professional Developer or something like that. Been doing the job for most of my adult life, but work decided to buy me a piece of paper to prove it.
  4. Alice

    Alice Gardener

    Feb 24, 2006
    It's a good question Watergarden. I like it.
    I have a First Class Honours degree in something or other - doesn't seem to matter diddlysquat now.
    My husband has so many letters after his name I couldn't write them across an envelope - but he still can't use his mobile phone.
    My 3 year old great niece has a stificate. Now that matters !
    I think she got it for sitting down and shutting up for two minutes.
    Well done that girl.
    She's just delicious.
    • Like Like x 9
    • ClaraLou

      ClaraLou Total Gardener

      Aug 12, 2009
      I somehow thought that getting letters after my name would make me - I don't know - different in some way. Then you realise you are just as daft as you always were. I now keep quiet about being an Eng. Lit. person because people always think I'll be great at doing the boring bits on quiz nights, when in fact the contents of the many books I've read over the years has slipped from my brain like an omelette off a non-stick pan. I used to sit there sweating in case I couldn't remember the origin of that-quotation-that-any-fool-knows. On one occasion, having swotted up on Shakespeare so that I wouldn't repeat an unfortunate memory lapse concerning Hamlet, I let the side down by failing to recall the name of the wretched mutt in the Famous Five. Well, I suppose it is literature of a kind.
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      • Victoria

        Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

        Jun 9, 2006
        Lady of Leisure
        Messines, Algarve
        Just my opinion .. we are what we are .. it doesn't matter if we have anything before or after our name ... I don't think that really changes any of us. I also don't think it changes how we think and interact with people, be they have certificates or not.

        What do you think that means or does for you?

        I have some 'initials' which mean nothing to me. My t'other half didn't finish high school in America. Times were very tough for us for many years. He had a superb brain .. but no certificates. Well, he did get one in the UK when he got an 'A' Level in Computer Studies from Oxford University and the teacher wondered why t'other half wasn't teaching the course .. but t'other half wanted a 'certificate'.

        Certificates didn't come into it but t'other half's 'abilities' did ... and we now live here with four properties with no mortgages.

        So, what do 'certificates' mean or do?
        • Like Like x 4
        • ClaraLou

          ClaraLou Total Gardener

          Aug 12, 2009

          I think they just get you to the next stage of the game. After you've got there, they often seems utterly irrelevant ... I mean, does my 'O' Level in German mean I can speak a word of the language? The answer has to be nein. But it would have been essential, had I wished to advance to the next stage of piling up verbs at the end of juggernault sentences.
        • Victoria

          Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

          Jun 9, 2006
          Lady of Leisure
          Messines, Algarve

          In the States in the 70s you got nowhere unless you had a degree .. perhaps it's no different now.

          I've been gone from the UK for ten years now and away from employment law so I don't know what things are like there either.

          Claire, most of it seems irrelevant to me and has always ... people can make things of their lives without 'certificates' or 'degrees'. To us it is common sense. We have always been 'tight fisted' with money and although we both earned a lot never spent anything, ie, going out, pubs, etc. It was work, work, work and we enjoyed our homelife when we had the opportunity to be together at home.

          So, I've probably gone off the track of the OP and Certificates .. but it depends on how you plan on using the knowledge you have gained.

        • Alice

          Alice Gardener

          Feb 24, 2006
          So far, I think that's what everybody has said Victoria.
          Certificates are only bits of paper - which may or may not be worth something.
          Sometimes they are important at the time.

          As for letters v initials - there's not a penny in it - but check it out.
        • ClaraLou

          ClaraLou Total Gardener

          Aug 12, 2009
          Now that fifty percent of kids in the UK go to university, I think having a degree has become more of an issue than it used to be. Most degrees are in totally useless subjects, of course, and the institutions at the bottom of the food chain have made a living out of offering particularly lame courses to anyone who can manage to scrawl his/her name on a sheet of paper. At the same time many universities are closing their physics departments because few people want (or have the ability) to do something intellectually demanding when they could do Media Studies. However, many employers simply look for graduates. They also have amazing faith in grades - and yet we've all met people with impressive-sounding qualifications who are utter and complete dullards.

          I think things will have to change. I imagine we'll end up with fewer people going into higher education and will expect more of those who do.

          I think I could do with being more tight-fisted, Vicky. Money just seems to evaporate in our household. :mad: Mind you, one can take things too far. A family member (who shall remain nameless) has built up quite a tidy empire for himself. But since he's done it by stepping to the back of the queue whenever it's been time to cough up and generally taking the **** out of everyone else, I can't find anything admirable in his parsimony. It somehow makes me, a relative pauper, want to brandish banknotes and shout 'don't worry! I'll pay!' Which perhaps explains why I'm still impecunious. :heehee:
          • Like Like x 2
          • Jack McHammocklashing

            Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

            May 29, 2011
            Ex Civil Serpent
            Fife Scotland
            I could paper the walls with certificates, important at the time, and especially when applying for advancement or even a different employer

            It depends on HOW old you are as what you do with them

            I can shred mine now if I wish as I retire in a few months so no further need :-)

            Ziggy needs to find and keep his Maritime VHS cert as it is more of a proof and licence to operate Seagoing Radio Legally

            This is my pet gripe at the moment
            When I was man management I had to do a full time years course before I could take up the position(paid for, though in own time)

            My present employer the GuberMent

            My current manager age 27 was a shelf stacker at Morrisons four years ago
            a telephone advisor three years ago, and now MY manager, NO courses, no IDEA of personal management of PEOPLE, Sicknes, Family problems, Alcoholism, Con merchant,Transport, Accomodation,Disability etc Though she is damn attractive and meets the Top man for extended lunches three days a week out of five

            When I started, to climb the ladder first job from school, you had to go to Night School paid for by yourself to gain qualifications and be considered for promotion

            Then in the Forces, you were Trained, for the next promotion, sometimes done in your own time, free, though only a score of over 95% would pass you for the next grade, providing you passed all your trade tests annually

            So the certificates may seem irelevant to the curent employment they prove you are capable To a new employer

            In 1968 I was given a certificate of competence using a floor polish buffer :-)
            Now about to retire, 44 years on "IF" I wanted to supplement my pension by doing a bit of cleaning, I could not be a cleaner without a Floor buffing cert :-)
            pressure left to go left pressure right to go right , just hold the damn thing to and push to go for'd or pull to stern

            So keep your certs guys and gals

            Jack McH
            • Like Like x 2
            • shiney

              shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

              Jul 3, 2006
              Retired - Last Century!!!
              Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
              Jack, you can polish my floor any time.

              Although some certificates are essential to certain jobs we all know that they don't show that you are necessarily able to do that job - only that you are able to pass the test necessary for the certificate.

              Like some others on here, I have a multitude of certificates but this is not because I needed the qualification but was crazy enough to enjoy doing courses and tests. Almost none of them were relevant to work that I wanted to do.

              The earliest one I remember that was useless to me (but, I admit, was essential for some jobs) was a qualification in navigation. I was in the Merchant Navy at the time so it seems as though it should be of use to me - but I was running a hairdressing salon on the ship :heehee:.

              Once back ashore ( and running my own hairdressing salon) I saw a job ad (by a world wide electronics and research company) for a technical position. What drew my eye was that they said that every applicant would have to do an Aptitude Test (the 'in' thing at the time). So I had a long chat with one of my customers that was in that line of business and then blagged my way through the short,inital, interview. This was followed by the Aptitude Test which had nearly 200 questions. Most of the questions were based on logic and language and I never have difficulty with these sort of things. A month later I received a phone call from their Personnel Officer who was inviting me in for a final interview. I had been shortlisted to the last three and he told me that I had got the highest test result. I then told him that I knew absolutely nothing about the work involved and maybe they should have a rethink about their decision process. :loll:

              Back in the early days of NVQ's I was a volunteer assessor of Level 2 students - they hadn't yet developed Level 3. When they eventually developed Level 3 they brought out a rule that Assessors had to have Level 3 qualifications before being allowed to assess for Level 2. I wasn't prepared to do the Level 3 training as I said that, under the new rules, I qualified through Acredited Prior Learning (APL) as I had relevant qualifications that were much higher than that. I was told that APL was designed to cope with that but I couldn't get my Level 3 because my APL qualifications were too old!

              I told them what they could do with their Level 3 as I was doing the job free of charge anyway. They apologised for the way the system worked - and then employed me as a Verifier. My job - to check that the newly qualified Level 3 Assessors could do their job properly :loll:. Verifiers were supposed to have Level 4 but the standard hadn't been worked out yet!

              I think that I have somewhere in the region of 40 certificates in a box in the loft and I'm sure the mice have been enjoying them for years.
              • Like Like x 3
              • Jack McHammocklashing

                Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

                May 29, 2011
                Ex Civil Serpent
                Fife Scotland
                Ah but it is the 21st Century now
                You can have a piece of paper stating you ARE qualified, but have no idea how to do the job
                When you can more than do the job, you do not have a piece of paper so you can not have the job

                Simples :-)

                Jack McH
                • Like Like x 4
                • shiney

                  shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                  Jul 3, 2006
                  Retired - Last Century!!!
                  Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                  Silly me :DOH: :wallbang: :thud:
                • daitheplant

                  daitheplant Total Gardener

                  Dec 19, 2006
                  South East Wales
                  I am qualified to use " hand propelled transportation equipment".:heehee::heehee::dbgrtmb:

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