Laying a lawn-soil advice please

Discussion in 'Lawns' started by busybee, Mar 4, 2010.

  1. busybee

    busybee Gardener

    Mar 28, 2009

    I'm going to be laying a lawn next month (is that ok?). Ive been told i need to get top soil before i lay the lawn but i was wondering if i could use well rotted horse manure instead and mix it well into the soil already in the garden? I can't really afford to get top soil as well as turf etc and i really need to get the lawn layed soon. Will the horse manure do the same job as top-soil?

    Many Thanks!
  2. The Rockhopper

    The Rockhopper Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 1, 2010

    If you want to lay the turves next month then i would be looking at no sooner than the end of the month. With regards to the well rotted manure it must be very well rotted having been stacked for at least a year, if not the heat given off during the final rotting process will scorch the new roots that form from the turf. If you have a fairly resonable soil to start with then incorporating well rotted muck into the first 4 inches will do it the world of good but you mustn't ignore your basic preps of deep/double digging and look at the muck as more of a slow release feed/soil conditioner than a magic growth promoter. Top soil is generaly not going too do much but improve the immediate (top few inches) of soil this can be done with well rotted muck as said above. Just remember your basic prep you can't do it after the turf is laid. One final pointer if the turf is delivered more than a week before laying roll them out on some spare land to help maintain their condition.

    Happy laying:)
  3. busybee

    busybee Gardener

    Mar 28, 2009
    Hi, thanks for the advice, so when would you recommend laying a lawn? I know that Autumn is the best time and spring second best. Ive read that you should lay it by the end of march - is that right?
  4. has bean counter

    has bean counter Gardener

    May 14, 2007
    Sorry Rockhopper but I wouldn't incorporate any organic material.

    Weed kill existing grass and weeds, with glyphosate this weekend.

    2 weeks later.Rotovate or dig over the soil removing large stones, plant roots and weeds and existing grass. Only if ground condition is suitable

    Apply a feed, rake in. Make the site level and firm. again, not if the soil is wet.

    Lay turfs, rake some lawn soil into the gaps.. Buy turfs from a reputable garden centre and ask when they had been delivered, because you need to, as Rockhopper says, get them laid quickly as they shouldn't be left to geo yellow.. Buy the best you can afford with the most amount of soil attached.

    work from a board when laying

    If it does not rain, water well but do not puddle
  5. Boghopper

    Boghopper Gardener

    Dec 6, 2008
    (East) Sussex by the Sea
    I think it's important to put a layer of new topsoil down first, even if it's only a couple of inches deep. This will ensure you get a level surface to lay the turf on. It's not worth scimping on the preparation because the cost of the turf is not insignificant and you don't want it to yellow or curl up and die. Aart from that, I'd agree with Has Bean's advice.


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