I have grown hardy gingers for a couple of years now, lifting them and drying them out in the autumn and potting them up again in the spring. This year they failed to flower! I read somewhere that if you lift them as i have done it can effect flowering. What do you do with yours? Any advice would be appreciated!
Can you be a bit more specific as to what gingers you are growing? I grow only a few, but some are reasonably hardy and can be left in the ground, others are a bit more tender.
Oops! sorry about that! I have a hedychium garderanium and hedychium auranticum. My cauttleya failed to flower as well.......... They are grown in large pots and fed well. Last year they flowered beautifully but alas nothing this year.
Well I cant comment on Cautleya, but I gather its quite hardy. I've grown gardnerianum but not auranticum, but I think growth might be similar. My one thought is that if you divide the rhizome into too smaller pieces they wont flower. I tend to pot up as large a piece as possible and leave in the same pot for two years, if I need to pot it on in the second year I move it up as a whole, and dont disturb. Best flowers come on second year pots. I have grown gardinerianum outside near the house for years and it comes back every year flowering in sept.
Thanks for the advice. As i recall the tubers were quite large this year when i potted them up. I think i will do as you suggest and overwinter them in their pots this year and see what happens.