Double Glazing Salesman

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Phil A, Nov 12, 2011.

  1. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Just stumped one.

    The pitch was about ever increasing fuel bills.

    I just said I don't have a fuel bill, he didn't have an answer on his sheet for that one:heehee:
    • Like Like x 5
    • ClaraLou

      ClaraLou Total Gardener

      Aug 12, 2009
      We had to replace some of the windows when we moved in to our house and so we had some replica Victorian sashes made. They turned out to be an absolute pain to fit. We were very relieved when the job was done and the damn things were finally glazed. Just as we were admiring our handiwork, a salesman asked if we'd like a special deal on ripping out all our horrible old wooden junk and having plastic windows installed instead! He was very lucky to escape with a splinter-free backside, I can tell you.
      • Like Like x 7
      • HYDROGEN86

        HYDROGEN86 Head Gardener

        Jul 17, 2011
        in the shed
        We all love salesman on here don't we :heehee:
      • Daisies

        Daisies Total Gardener

        May 26, 2005
        Nice one, Zig - how come you don't have fuel bills? Or was that just a ruse? (I know - call me dumb!)

        I have a strict policy of not admitting any personal information of any kind to cold callers either at the door or on the phone. Door callers look totally bemused and seem to think they have a right to expect me to comply. Telephone callers assure me they are representing firm 'ABC' and are trustworthy and the conversation then goes something like this

        Me: So you say. I have no way of knowing that. I didn't ask you to call so you could be anybody
        Caller: But I have your details here in front of me ... I just need your date of birth/address/account number/etc., to verify so I can make you this wonderful offer

        Yeah right! I might have been born in the night but I wasn't born last night!

        • Like Like x 5
        • watergarden

          watergarden have left the forum because...i'm a sad case

          Jan 14, 2007
          why not try it next time?

          Caller: date of birth,

          you: 11th November

          Caller: which year?

          you: 2011

          Caller: you couldn't have been born yesterday

          you: well you seem to think I was by the questions you ask
          • Like Like x 8
          • Phil A

            Phil A Guest

            Like both of those:dbgrtmb::D

            No fuel bill Daisees. House is insulated beyond building regs requirements.

            Equivalent of 16" in the loft, 8" in the walls & 6" in the floor. Low "E" argon filled double glazing.

            Solar water heating and a woodburner that powers 8 radiators. I get enough wood off sites during the year, but if I do run low, there are always broken pallets from the builders merchants.

            I let the fire go out mid evening but it stays warm thru the next day.

            Did notice it was a bit cool one morning last winter, but then I found it was about -10 outside.
            • Like Like x 6
            • clueless1

              clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

              Jan 8, 2008
              I once got a phone call from the bank. Yes, they phoned me (always a bad sign:) ). It went something like this:

              Bank lady: For security reasons, can you just confirm your date of birth and your postcode so that I can access your account.

              Me: No.

              Bank lady (puzzled): Oh, but I need it to proceed.

              Me: Look, you phoned me. If you have a message for me, I suggest you say it.

              Bank lady: ok sir, if I could just take your security details please.

              Me: No. Look you phoned me, you could be anyone. I'll tell you what. If you don't want to tell me why you've called me, I might at some point when I can be bothered, if I remember, call the bank to see what's up, but I'm not giving out any personal details just on the say so that you are who you say you are. If you really are from the bank, then you should know better.
              • Like Like x 5
              • EddieJ

                EddieJ gardener & Sculptor

                Feb 21, 2010
                Oak timber framer
                We went through a stage where a double glazing company just kept phoning and hassling us every night, so eventually I suggested that the company sales rep pop round to give us a quote.
                On the day in question, we simply weren't at home. The company phoned us up to moan that we hadn't kept our appointment, and my reply was..

                "You kept wasting my time with your phone calls, so I thought that I would waste some of your time as well".

                Oddly they never phoned again.:D
                • Like Like x 4
                • shiney

                  shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                  Jul 3, 2006
                  Retired - Last Century!!!
                  Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                  Clueless, I had a similar conversation with the taxman.

                  I'd filled in my tax return (always had to fill in tax returns as I was self-employed until 10 years ago when I retired) and added a note saying that filling in the return was wasting both our times as I didn't have enough income to pay tax. I suggested they don't bother sending returns in the future.

                  He said he had phoned to chat about the letter I had sent but he needed to go through some security questions. Same as you, I said "No! You have phoned me and could be anyone". He was very understanding but said he couldn't discuss it without the checks.

                  I said "I have no problem with you not discussing it but if it was about the letter I sent then you don't need to do anything. Just don't bother sending me returns in future."

                  He said, "I can't do that if I can't discuss it, so I shall have to write to you".

                  I replied, "I'm quite happy with that but don't expect me to reply". :D

                  So he sent a letter confirming that I didn't need to fill in a return unless my circumstances changed. :thumbsup:

                  A week after that I received another letter confirming it but saying that they would like me to give an estimate of my income for the following year :DOH:

                  I didn't respond and a month later the same person phoned me and we went through the same procedure - getting nowhere.

                  I did say to him that I know he can't discuss it with me. But if they think they are going to get me to tell them what my next year's income was going to be when I have already written to them saying there's no point in filling in a return because I don't get anything but my pension.

                  I went on to say that I can't see the government increasing that enough to put me into the lowest tax bracket so please don't bother me. :heehee:
                  • Like Like x 2

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