New to this forum and I'm finding it a bit disconcerting that the communications are presented as "newest / latest first". If I want to read the thread from the start I have to find the last page after the site has taken me to the latest comment. Is anyone else bothered by this or is it me? (lurve those smilies) Cheers, Tony.
Hi Tony, I have done it for you.. That one catches lots of people out.. :D I say Tony is that you in your Avatar.? Looks like you were on the Banbury run.. What are you riding, I kinda think it could be a Sunbeam, but I am probably wrong..
Triumph Model P (mk 2) 1926, 500cc sidevalve and a back brake of best Brazilian mahogany. Got working acetelyne lighting. did six Banburys and got two Gold awards, ran out of fuel once and crashed once ! Having trouble trying to upgrade the front brake. Things to do overwinter. Cheers, Tony. P.S. thanks for sorting out the little problem M.F.
Oh very nice bike Tony.. Been to a couple of Banbury's in the past.. We always did the South West Run.. Very nice going Tony.. I remember there were always winter projects.. We didn't have vintage like you,but had old BSAs & Enfields.. Not to much of a problem with your brake I hope, is it friction materials or more mechanical if I may ask.?
It's a bit of both. On the original restoration I sent the brake band away and had some 'wonderful' new material; bonded on. This may have worn down and requires to be restored, or I'll need to tweek the brake lever, they are the ones that pivot at the bar end. Sorry about taking so long to answer, I'm still finding my way around this site ! Cheers, Tony.
Goodness me, something wacky has happened here Not only are mine now doing the first page shown last bit, but, the replies are now displaying down the page instead of upwards, like they've always been Have there been major site changes in the last day or so ? I'll go into the profile page as Catz just said and see if i can alter things back the way they were.
Hi Tony, they do wear down at a rate, you could try upgrading the cable to a heavier gauge, but I expect you know that anyway & contact the company below & get "Extra soft green" bonded on.. Take the shoes in yourself & they will turn them to fit as well... We used to used them regularly when we rode.. Friction Services (Bristol) Ltd Southway Drive Bristol Avon BS30 5LW Telephone: 01179 604553 Fax: 01179 352519 Hope it of some help..