We have all heard the news via radio/tv/newspapers that a couple in Britain have won £56 MILLION on the euromillions:yho:come on what did you feel? being honest i thought, lucky Bu***** :( but how was it not me ? :(. it is a fantastic amount of money for the working man or woman to comprehend. when people win money in this vast amount they are interviewed by the media and asked "what is the first thing you are going to do with your £ 56 MILLION?????? WHAT WOULD YOU DO music. .
I had a ticket for that with several combinations and was not successful in my attempt to become a rich b*tch. :cry: What would I do with such an amount of money? ... with that sum I should think I would give 99% to cancer and animal charities .. because that's where all my money goes when I pop my clogs anyway ... that is assuming I survive t'other half .. but he thinks likewise .... and our Wills are drawn up accordingly ... k-l....
First quit work, second send a bunch of money to a health insurance to cover me for the next 50 years. The go traveling everywhere and anywhere blending in and seeing interesting places, staying at moderate nice places, not going crazy. Hire on a gardner that knows stuff so my gardens are perfect all the time. And a cat care taker, so my cats are happy. And thats it.
I'd book a dinner out for all my family members in Australia - sort of a 'group' birthday dinner for all of them compliments of us....and then show up to attend unannounced ourselves Would then give them all a cheque for a million each and let them wonder whether they should try cashing it or not Sock a million into accounts for each of our kids as a trust fund payable at 25 or something. Monies to our favourite charities - Alzheimers, Cancer research, local hospice, and various units down in Australia that have cared for family in the past. Then......hire a couple of private tutors full time for the kids education, but the tutor would have to like travelling - 'cos we'd be all over the place but 'really' travelling, not going from one posh hotel to the other. I like to meet the locals when I travel.
We sometimes talk through this scenario and I would see my family straight first ie make sure both sons were given a property, next help my parents out so they didn't have to watch the pennies and get them a car they didn't have to worry about paying for etc. My OH would decide how much to give his family etc. I would want to donate to a place that helped me out at a bad time I would also make sure we all got the necessary health treatment. Money cannot buy good health though.
Hi everyone Family and friends first then Charity and local Hospices ,that would be 95% of it gone just keep a very small amount for us,not to much because I would,nt want to lose my contentment and way of life,as its taken a lot of hard work and a long long time to reach ,where I am right now.
Stay very, very quiet about it. I would keep my right to anonymity (which I believe all lottery winners have). The amount of begging letters and pleas for money from strangers would be overwhelming and you would need a very hard heart to ignore them or say no. Other than that, give money to friends and family (depending how nice they were to me!), buy a place in the country with enough space for the garden of my dreams and enough room for more chickens. I'd concentrate on breeding only a couple of breeds (not decided what). I'd also make sure we hired someone to look after them so we could go travelling, perhaps on the new motorbikes we'd buy. Alternatively, we might emigrate to New Zealand and leave the bureaucratic mess that this country has become behind! I think £54 million might be enough to convince the NZ authorities that we would have enough to support ourselves!
I'd go to work as normal, and be the biggest pain in the backside my boss has ever know, and then when he sacks me Id drag him though the courts for years. In the mean time I'd buy a nice small bungalow with an acre or two of space and perhaps a small villa in the sun somewhere isolated. The rest of the world could do what it liked, just as long as it didn't bother me.
Sort out family and friends. (About 6 mill) The rest of it to be used to form a charity organisation that spent the money where it was needed, not on Admin. Don't need the material things, I'm happy with what I've got. Don't need to punch the boss on the nose. If I felt like that I would have already done it. He knows that!!!