hello everyone. just joined. The reason i joined is that today i was kindly given the use of a large greenhouse so i can start growing my own veg etc. to keep the cost down i will be keeping it as a cold greenhouse. i am an absolute beginner, so any advice on what i can grow would be appreciated. Any other general info will be greatly received. 9by this i mean general upkeep etc. thanks. (I'm really looking forward to this)
i forgot to add. the two pieces of advice i have already been given are. Keep it clean as possible and don't overcrowd it. the size of the greenhouse is roughly 18' by 8'. It was also suggested ( to keep it simple to start with) that i start with growing things for salads. cucumber, lettuce etc. Can i also grow herbs in a cold greenhouse? thanks for any replies.
Mister PS.. Salad crops herbs & some flowers might be nice to start with, but do have a look through the edible forum threads as well as the greenhouse forum.. You are very lucky being given a greenhouse that size to start with... Yes you are right, cleanliness is very important in the greenhouse.. We are just coming to seed sowing time now but you could certainly start some broad beens off in pots in there now.. You can buy short growing varieties of about 20". Do you have beds in this greenhouse soil floor gravel or paved floor..? Look forward to seeing you around.. :thumb:
hello and welcome! I have never heated my greenhouse - too cheap, but successfully grow tomatoes, cukes and peppers in it. I tend to plant some on the allotment but also keep some in the greenhouses at home as well. I did attempt aubergine last year, but no success. have had success with canteloupe in the past with me pollinating the buds.
hi all. thanks to everyone for replying. i've just been to the shops and got all the things i need to give it a good clean. glass cleaner etc. going to spend the next day or two getting it ready. i've already had some great info from this site already. in the 'greenhouse' section i followed a link and downloaded a free e-book that has been very useful already. as i said before, really looking forward to this. just have to try and bare this highland weather for a few more weeks. once again everybody, A big massive thank you. this site is going to be very useful.:gnthb: