Malware-Internet Security 2010

Discussion in 'Computer Corner' started by lollipop, Feb 14, 2010.

  1. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :thumb: Well Larkshall, maybe better that way that to keep having nasty problems to deal with..!!! :wink: :hehe:
  2. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Marley, FB has loads of bad press & I'm not suprised, however I use it but in a very limited way. I only use it to talk to a very few people, I never 'join' anything and make sure all my settings are set to 'friends only'. BUT....I do get emails from people supposedly from fb but they go straight to my spam folder. If I was friends with lots of people or if I was a youngster and my email wasn't so secure no doubt I would have opened one and would be crying!!

    it's terrible the way this is so open and it's only by looking at all help out in the ether or terrestrial news, that I get to check up on the latest security features. I worry about all the people, esp. children, who just make 'friends' with anyone that asks! There are all sorts of 'I'm a fan of...', 'I like.....' etc groups on there.

    My o/h keeps hearing the scare stories and he says I shouldn't be on it, but as I say, I am extremely careful. He, on the other hand picks up all sorts of toolbars, 'meet girls in your area' etc when he goes on the desktop!! Luckily nothing bad so far, just means I have to delete them when I go on it, lol.

    It's worrying to know someone as experienced as you can get caught out:( I'll be even more vigilant. thank you all.

  3. Blueroses

    Blueroses Gardener

    Mar 7, 2010
    Just got my PC back from the repair shop today. The engineer said this particular malware has various forms. One is that a 'false' error message comes up. It tells you that you have malware/virus infecting your PC. The message looks authentic as if it is from your machine but it is not. It gives what it calls a 'free scan' of your pc without you clicking on anything or agreeing to anything then this supposed list of bugs comes up. Then a window asks 'repair now?' DONT click yes. In fact dont click No either. He tells me if you click on to this 'software' which tells you it can remove all spyware etc it doesnt but can get on to the pc and access passwords, credit card details etc etc.
    I just left the screen as it was and turned it off. The PC shop put McAfee anti virus and Malware Bytes on for me. They took my Avast off saying its only as good as what you paid for it . It was free so I guess thats the point they were making. I had been happy with it up till now but they didnt charge for the McAfee so I am happy enough. They got rid of it without me losing anything so Im relieved.
  4. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Hi BlueRoses so pleased you have got your PC back and it is OK now:thmb::)

    Not sure I agree 100% with what the shop says but that is only my personal oppinion:)

  5. Blueroses

    Blueroses Gardener

    Mar 7, 2010

    I know WOO....... and they put 'Malware Bytes' on it for me ..... which is free ! :hehe:

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