This is just my opinion, but I think any grave decoration is a bit excessive. My reasoning being that there's nobody in there to appreciated it. Some people believe that when you're dead, you're dead, and that's the end of it. In which case the deceased isn't going to care. Other people believe that the spirit leaves the body at the time of death. In that case, would the deceased really want to spend his/her time at the grave? I wouldn't, so again no point decorating it.
Sometimes the bereaved can't "let go" that easily particularly if it is a young person....! they still want to give something to the person who has gone and lots of flowers and decorations fills that need!! Val
Dai? Is this your idea of a day out? Come on mate, pictures of cemeteries? OOOO you must get out more:D
Some of the graves though Val have Christmas decorations and even Christmas cards wishing the deceased a Merry Christmas.
There is me. I appreciate it. Every year I take my mother to see her mother's grave (My nan) which is about 40 miles away, when we go we always look at all the surrounding graves, so I for one appreciate how nice some look.
Fair point. And I think its nice, and it says something very positive about us that we honour or deceased the way we do, rather than simply forgetting about them. Different people pay their respects in different ways, and hold different beliefs and different ways of dealing with things. For some, probably most, the grave of a deceased friend or relative is like a shrine to the memory of that person. That's fine. It just doesn't really work for me personally[/]. That said, I did once visit the grave of my grand parents on my mother's side. Just before I got married, when the wife was sorting out the flowers order, and she had the list of ladies and gents that would be getting a button hole flower. I told wife to order an extra one each of ladies and gents button holes. The wife was puzzled by this, unable to work out who they were for, and I didn't tell her. Then when the flowers were ready, off I trotted to my nana and grandad's grave with the two flowers. It sounds a bit silly, but it was my way of telling them both that they are invited (obviously in spirit) to attend on the big day.
Miss who haha?? Seen a lovely "graveyard" at dovestone res last year, instead of headstones you have a tree with a plaque on it. Much more my style :D lovely spot for it too was like rivendel out of lord of the rings
Although it is OTT I'd rather it be there in the graveyard. As you know the island hosts the TT and MGP races every year and what bothers me is the modern idea of attaching flowers to trees, walls and many other things around the course where somebody has died. It's not so bad as an initial remembrance, but they are replaced year after year by relatives when they visit, they then go off back to where they live and the people that live here have to look at these all round the course, all the time. It's not necessary. Plus the fact when the flowers die they become an eyesore. Somebody attached an engraved plaque to a garden wall on the course. If it had been my property I would have removed it, it's not on. I know people have to grieve and remember, but there are other ways of doing it.