With you on that Sheal All what you say, the road to Dundee is lined with rememberances of fools, who killed themselves The relatives come up every year, spend five minutes sticking up a bunch of flowers and then vanish, The flowers sit there withered and dead like the person who hit the tree on a blind corner at 80mph and it distracts drivers Jack McH
that's exactly my point shiney. Why leave a load of rotting flowers on a grave when you could plant a tree?? (i want an oak) with a plaque saying treetreetreetree off
Plastic flowers and turf are cheap, nasty and tacky. Huge floral arrangements are tacky. I think a small elegant floral tribute is fine but anything (plastic or natural) that's huge and ugly is just an awful low-end insult. I like Hydrogens idea of the oak tree though :D