where are all the houses to the rent?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by HYDROGEN86, Jan 17, 2012.


    HYDROGEN86 Head Gardener

    Jul 17, 2011
    in the shed
    Sorry Zig and Victoria...over-reacted a bit then. :o

    Its not just finding somewhere though, landlords are being a lot more cautious about giving tenancy out, either that or like I think someone has already posted, they are taking advantage out of the situation.
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    • lazydog

      lazydog Know nothing but willing to learn

      Jun 30, 2011
      waiting to win the Lotto
      Black Country Nr Dudley
      If you fancy it there are quite a few people now living in caravans,dont laugh they are not travelers they skilled people who can't afford a deposit and rates etc. all yoy need is a friendly farmer or there are sites around where you can stay for between 3 wks and 9 months.Not holiday sites,but a cheap way of life if you are up for it.
      All you need is a half decent touring caravan and a car to tow it and away you go.
      Good luck mate
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      • shiney

        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

        Jul 3, 2006
        Retired - Last Century!!!
        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
        Shineyland is an independent country surrounded by the not unfriendly counties of Hertfordshire and Essex. Some of the parishes bordering Shineyland have a vast range of properties for rent. I would guess that they range from about £500 - £10,000+ per month. The metal shed at the bottom of our garden is much cheaper :heehee:
        • Like Like x 1
        • lazydog

          lazydog Know nothing but willing to learn

          Jun 30, 2011
          waiting to win the Lotto
          Black Country Nr Dudley
        • Scrungee

          Scrungee Well known for it

          Dec 5, 2010
          Central England on heavy clay soil
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          • longk

            longk Total Gardener

            Nov 24, 2011
            Hydrogen, I feel for you.

            But if I may put a couple of thoughts in from the landlords perspective.......

            I let out three flats. The first two were converted from a largish terraced cottage a long time ago, and I bought them freehold. Being new to the game I let and managed them myself, and for the last nine years have been able to let them to a succession of RAF personel. As long as this continues I will manage those myself.
            Last year I was left some money and we decided to put it down on a flat in an old wool warehouse that was converted in the 1960's. This is leasehold, and also in a listed building. So we decided that it would be best let through an agent on a managed deal. So having gutted the place, re-wired, new efficient heating system etc etc, the agents all said "lovely, we'd love to have this on our books" - so much so that the best deal we got was 18%!!

            My point is that unless you're a cash rich landlord we're not creaming it in. There is so much legislation to comply with, the need for an emergency pot for repairs (half of which you can't even do yourself even if you're competent), the mortgage/loan to be paid and so on. So the rents are less market driven and more costs driven.
            I'm only a landlord because this is my pension - I make no living income from it.

            I remember that when I first bought a house I was an employee and had to do it with a mate - I couldn't afford it alone. Nowadays around here, our young have to do the same thing just to be able to rent. It's very harsh.

            So I'm not sure what you're circumstances are Hydrogen, but would that idea be an option? I'm sure that you've probably thought of it already........
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            • ClaraLou

              ClaraLou Total Gardener

              Aug 12, 2009
              I heard a radio programme a while back about a group of retired people who were having difficulty making ends meet, so they sold up and bought motor homes. For part of the year they moved from farm to farm, picking fruit. (The farmers said they were a bit slower than the twenty year olds, but a lot more careful and punctual.) When the season was over, they drove to Spain for a nice long rest.

              Hydrogen, take Zig's advice and get yourself on that list now. A mate of mine ended up being homeless after his landlord decided to give notice on the property in which he had been living for years and years. He was given surprisingly little time to vacate (one of my big problems with the way the rental market has gone in recent years) and ended up having to live in a Salvation Army hostel for a while. Sermons and talks about God were the highlight of the experience, because you got given free tea and biscuits. Eventually he could stand things no longer and decided that living in his car was infinitely preferable to having to share accommodation with a load of drunks and loonies. He's OK now as he's finally been given a small flat, but do make sure you get things sorted in good time.

              I think the cost of privately rented properties is getting out of control. Small terraced houses in my street command £750.00 per month despite the fact that there are very few well-paid local jobs and we're thirty miles from London. It has to be a better idea for people to live in council-run properties which are affordable and properly maintained, rather than dodgy private-sector properties. I see the lower end of the rental market all the time, and it isn't pretty. I know a solicitor who works in housing and he says that 'emergency' accommodation is basically what we used to call 'slum property'.
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              • lazydog

                lazydog Know nothing but willing to learn

                Jun 30, 2011
                waiting to win the Lotto
                Black Country Nr Dudley
                I am afraid I can see this from both sides,working as a repair and maintenance person on let properties it is shocking to see what damage can be done by some individuals before they do a runner.
                Also knowing people who need to rent the shocking state of repair of some properties where shady landlords refuse to spend money to keep properties upto a decent standard,because any fines are less than the money needed to do the repairs.
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                • ClaraLou

                  ClaraLou Total Gardener

                  Aug 12, 2009
                  My sister has two properties which she rents out and she is an excellent landlord who works very hard to solve problems immediately. Unfortunately there are a large number of idiots out there who saw buy-to-lets as a get rich scheme back in the heady days of easy money. In many cases, the banks were only too glad to lend, no questions asked. I saw the results - and indeed, shared a party wall with them - when it all went wrong and a desperate landlord decided to turn the little family home next door to us into no less than four makeshift bedsits. There is, incidentally, no legislation which prevents landlords from doing so. As long five or fewer occupants share a kitchen and one communal room, a house can be turned into flea pit overnight.
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                  • chitting kaz

                    chitting kaz Total Gardener

                    Mar 10, 2011

                    one of my daughters live in private rent they pay £ 490 a month for a terraced house, when it rains it does so on the inside of all the windows !!
                    and straight through the roof in the bathroom (no need for a shower) the boiler had been condemed but the land lord told them to peel of the sticker it would be fine !!!!:mad: and every room has mould and damp on the wall, enviromental health has been out and forced boiler replacement and we had the local fire brigade sort out the fire alarms.
                    basically the land lord says if you dont like it MOVE OUT, others will want it,
                    them my other daughter privately rents and here place is like a palace and she pays the same amount :rolleyespink:

                    BUT we wouldnt see you homeless i have a garage you could use :dbgrtmb: seriously get to the council and the housing assosiation asap
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                    • *dim*

                      *dim* Head Gardener

                      Jun 26, 2011
                      search your local gumtree ....

                      there are also people with large properties who advertise on gumtree that have cottages on them ....

                      many advertise looking for someone to spend 8-10 hours a week maintaining the gardens, and in return they offer free accomodation

                      a quick google found this link:
                      Gardening Jobs With Accommodation - Yakaz Jobs
                      • Like Like x 1
                      • HYDROGEN86

                        HYDROGEN86 Head Gardener

                        Jul 17, 2011
                        in the shed
                        Thanks a lot everyone. 2bh don't think I need to be too worried about being homeless (could always turn up at mum n dads) but that would be a huge step back unless it was just untill I found somewhere more perminent.
                        My landlord at my current house seems happy for it to fall down around me providing he gets his rent lol I can't even open the Windows as they look dirty as the seals have gone :heehee:

                        About five years ago now I rented a flat of a company funnily enough called "hot property" they seemed great until I payed them. After about 2 or 3 months the property was reposesed as the landlord had not made a single mortgage payment and later I found hot property had not been paying him my rent. Why?...Mr landlord went bankrupt and went home to Pakistan broke. Hot property saw this as an opertunity to cash in on me.
                        After the nice court man came and put 14 day eviction notice up I rang hot property and they basicly moved me into next door (even tried charging me admin fees again Lmao) they promised me the landlord was up to date with mortgage but to be on the safe side I thought I would open his mail and check...final warning from bank no payments for 6 months on mortgage.
                        I rang hot property, this is where it gets interesting, and they apologized said they were going to let out to me one of there best flats (OWNED BY JONOTHAN AT HOT PROPERTY) I had a viewing but declined as was really rough area. Anyway I go to my flat which is soon to be repossesed like the last one next door I was in. And there are removal guys coming in and out of my old flat. I thought this strange as there were still a few days left before repo to be executed. I went to investigate and asked removal men who they worked for but I knew them already they were hot property "handymen" they fixed my blinds for me once.
                        After a quick chit chat I soon learned they had been instructed to remove anything of value and take it to the flat owned by hot property. They were stealing everything from the sofa to the boiler and the guys doing the job did not even know they were stealing!
                        This put the ball firmly in my court :heehee: and was one of my first dealings with a letting agent. I could go on for hours about how dodgy hot property are!
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                        • *dim*

                          *dim* Head Gardener

                          Jun 26, 2011
                          • Like Like x 1
                          • HYDROGEN86

                            HYDROGEN86 Head Gardener

                            Jul 17, 2011
                            in the shed
                            Cheers Dim, but I'm looking for somewhere closes to home atm I.e northwest.
                          • longk

                            longk Total Gardener

                            Nov 24, 2011

                            There are a good few of them around here!
                            I personally know one who had over twenty houses and is now in deep poo poo - the harsh reality of repairs and empty houses is biting!:yay:

                            Note to Hydrogen - if you're struggling to find a place for one and lack a housemate, some of the better agents will put you in touch with others on their books in a similar situation.
                            • Like Like x 1

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