I found this at the back of my shed the other day what do you reckon I should do with it,it has never been opened.
Well I thought I was in heaven when I found some bottles of blackberry wine 1976 in the back of the shed. It'll either be the best Cider you've ever tasted or brilliant cider vinegar.
invite your neighbour over .... pour them a shot if they still look ok the following day ... drink it
found this on a Lambourn vally cider Cider and perry that has been properly bottled in sterilised conditions will keep for years. I was once party to tasting a bottle of perry that was over 60 years old - and it was fine. Well its open and to be honest not impressed smells like sherry and tastes like figs???Was very dark as well. Cant do it down the sink its gone at least I have container to reuse!
Go to the Plumb Centre tomorrow and buy a new U bend to replace the one that is now rotted through and leaking :-) Jack McH
You haven't poured it all away have you? It would have been ace for marinating a pork joint in. Would tenderise it lovely and add a lovely sharp flavour. Unless of course it was properly dead. Which would be a shame.
It had to go it just wasn't right! Strange it hadn't gone like vinegar which I expected but didn't taste like a fine wine either.
Sorry to be boring and predictable but I would put it on Ebay - just to see if it gets any interest. You could always end the auction early if you changed your mind. You might be surprised at what response you would get.