Faulklands Running out of Fresh Veg

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Phil A, Feb 13, 2012.

  1. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

  2. lazydog

    lazydog Know nothing but willing to learn

    Jun 30, 2011
    waiting to win the Lotto
    Black Country Nr Dudley
    I can understand blockades on Iran (I might not agree)but no reason at all to blockade the Falklands they are innocent.A very unsettling time on quite a few fronts.Perhaps a world war 111 is the only direction this can go,so much uncertainty and unrest,makes you wonder who are the true allies and the true enemies.
  3. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    In the last Falklands war, other south american countries deliberately sat on the fence, refusing to help Britain in any way, but at the same time refusing to fall out with us. There was one simple reason why they took this stance. If they'd taken any other stance, they'd have been drawn into war. Side with us, and when its all over, they'd have a very upset neighbour. Side with the Argentina, and they'd have to fight us and probably our allies. This time is no different and Argentina know this, and they also know its their only option if they want to take any effective action against us.

    Their action is very well played. In a non-violent move that can't be construed as an act of war, and therefore can't result in the UN or NATO taking exception, they've left our government with a tough choice. That puts us on the back foot.

    Our options as I see it are either:
    * Negotiate for months, meanwhile the islanders go hungry
    * Give in to Argentina, not even worth considering.
    * Violate Argentine waters and airspace sending merchant ships under armed escort.

    The last option is the only one that breaks what is effectively a siege. Unfortunately as far as I know to deliberately violate another nation's patch of sea or air is sometimes construed as an act of war.

    It is worth noting that in the last Falklands war, we had our fleet of harriers. The Argies acknowledge them as being the decider when it came to air superiority. Some fool decided to bin our perfectly good harrier fleet, along with our aircraft carriers. So now we'd have to borrow kit from the yanks, and of course that will cost us dearly. The Argies know this.

    It will be interesting to see how this pans out over the next few weeks and months. It seems to me that Argentina can afford to just sit tight and wait to see what we do. Meanwhile, those poor folks that live there are, as is always the case in these situations, the ones that will suffer while two governments play their silly poker game.
  4. *dim*

    *dim* Head Gardener

    Jun 26, 2011
    the UK is sending warships there daily .... the UK says the Falklands belong to them ....

    what stops them sending supplies such as food and medicine to them? .... there are not many people living there, so it's not like they have to send a fleet of ships with food ?

    seems to work when aid is sent to countries and regions such as Africa?
  5. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    The Southern Hemisphere is moving into Autumn soon, so they are going to be limited as to what they can grow without lighting. Sounds like growing outdoors is pretty limited there with the winds.

    I'm assuming the post still gets through. I have a cunning plan formulating in my 'ead.
  6. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    Does it involve posting turnips to the Falklands (via Norway to save on the postage of course) :WINK1:
    • Like Like x 2
    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      Sort of, i'm thinking seeds for sprouting during their winter, i'm guessing they won't have a lot of light, but things like Alfalfa, Fenugreek & Mustard would help in the fresh veg department.

      I'm doing Alfalfa right now.

      Think it would take a bit more than the combined efforts of GC members to make a dent in the problem, but we have ways of spreading the word now.
      • Like Like x 2
      • Aesculus

        Aesculus Bureaucrat 34 (Admin)

        Apr 30, 2008
        Isle of Wight
        It's not so much that we say they belong to us Dim as that the faulklanders regard themselsves as british and do not wan't to be owned by Argentina (understandable:whistle:) however if the rumours (probably more than rumours now I'm not very up on this subject) large oil reserves under it are true then that also might be reason to keep ginvg argentina the finger:chicken:
      • Jack McHammocklashing

        Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

        May 29, 2011
        Ex Civil Serpent
        Fife Scotland
        Sorry Dim been there done that in 82 (though not in a safe underwater commision at that time in my life)
        It takes weeks to get there and very expensive

        The ships do not go daily but every six months, to relieve THE ship on duty

        They are kicking off about us sending HMS DARING, but we have no other ships left other than the DARING to send, and she is NOT armed to the teeth SHE is FITTED FOR but NOT WITH all these armaments

        We have four fighter bomber planes out there and no way of replenising them

        We do have thousands well a few hundred well trained killers out there with plenty ammuniton, but if they take the airfield out they are knackered, we could not re supply anyway

        We have no planes capable of going there, the last war 82 the Vulcan bomber did an amazing job flew to the Assenision Islands refuelled and dropped ONE bomb that missed ! We do not have a Vulan anymore

        We have no aircraft carriers, no planes and only eight ships left that are capable of sailing

        America this time are not bothered they want to allie with Argentina for a share of the OIL that has just been found

        (All communications from the Falklands are sent through Military circuits, my oppo (radio operator) told me that xxxx company had sent a message to their HQ that OIL was in sight, I did not invest in the 50p shares at the time :-)

        Ziggy NOTHING will grow there, the winters are severe like us last year, and the winds are around a constant 60mph it is a dark dank desolate place

        Sit in a ship sailing through force eight gales every day, and the going is tough,
        destroyer vs big waves - YouTube

        a slight respite is going into a harbour to PARTY we used to do this in RIO but last month they refused entry to us so it was back out, fully demoralised and another three months of the rough stuff
        The alternative is friendly Chile only you have to sail the Cape Horn and time off station does not allow this, too long to get back

        America has ditched us, our alternative is to LOAN an aircraft carrier from FRANCE can you see that happening when they are the ones who supply EXOCET to Argentina in the first place

        The BBC are our greatest allie, in 82 they informed the WORLD ie Argentina, that the reason the bombs did not explode on our ships was due to them not removing the safety screw from the arming mech
        A bomb went through my ship did not explode but one ton of cast iron passing through aluminium from 1000 feet is not a pretty sight, and then you sit there wondering if it is going to go off or NOT

        Jack McH
        • Like Like x 3
        • lazydog

          lazydog Know nothing but willing to learn

          Jun 30, 2011
          waiting to win the Lotto
          Black Country Nr Dudley
          I was not sure about pushing the like button then jack after watching the video I felt a bit "sick".
          For a nation that ruled the waves we are in bad shape and as for relying on france as you said no chance.Our fore fathers would turn in their graves the way things are going what was all the loss of life for in world war 1 & 2 and what did it really achieve,that hasn't been given away freely by recent politicians.
          • Like Like x 2
          • *dim*

            *dim* Head Gardener

            Jun 26, 2011
          • Aesculus

            Aesculus Bureaucrat 34 (Admin)

            Apr 30, 2008
            Isle of Wight
            Although gross you've got admire the ingenuity:ideaIPB: of the person who came up with that it's awe inspiring:OUCH: , it actually reminds me of those kids gummy sweet making kits which were popular in the late 90's I couldn't find a video of the ones they sold in the UK but here's a simmilar Japanese one


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