Susan and Jennifers scenes are positively cringeworthy! And it's high time that Brian got jiggy with someone again - maybe Wills new wife, driving Will to his demise in Keepers Cottage:yess::yess: What is so unrealistic is the way that "The Prof" has been accepted into the community after five minutes - round here he'd still be an outsider after thirty years!
Try Radio 4 extra Armandii. Hancock, the Navy Lark, Men from the Ministry and Round the Horn have all been on. I even listened to Paul Temple recently although it sounds a bit dated now.
In 2006 they started to remake the Paul Temple series as a number of the originals are lost. They were recorded using period equipment and sound effects. The dated sound of Journey Into Space was one of the charms of it. I agree about 4 Extra - it's a great addition to the airwaves!
Hi Boghopper, I do listen to Radio 4. It's tuned in almost permanently in the car as I like listening to the news. I do listen to it when I'm the house, if I've got time, but never enough to know what program is on when!! So it's a bit like Radio Roulette whenever I switch on. On a slightly different note I remember seeing the original Quatermass and the Pit, with the music going with it, and that made a real impression on me as a kid. I'd love to see that in the original form again. They did some later remakes of Quatermass but they were so badly made that they were more funny than scary.:D
ARMANDII, Now you've jogged the memory!!!! :yess: I also remember the first Quatermass . Only one house down our road had a TV and that was a 9" screen with a magnifier on it. It was at my best friend's house (Douglas, who became our Best Man) and the two of us together with the third member of the 'Troublesome Trio' watched the whole series. The third member was Laurie London who had the big pop hit with 'He's Got The Whole World In His Hands' (1957). You're bound to remember that one :D.