Yawn... Wakey Wakey...!!! #3

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by wiseowl, Feb 2, 2010.

  1. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Just popped in to say Mat has been admitted to hospital again.At 1am he couldn't take the pain any more so we took him to A an E where they did some tests, he has an infection and was admitted to the surgical ward. I hope they do not ring today for us to collect him. He as been through so much poor chap. Needless to say I am worried about him.
  2. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Jazmine - sorry to hear Mat's not improved! Poor guy - but he did seem to be in and out rather quickly after the initial surgery - they don't seem to keep them in to monitor on any difficulties these days - it's get them in and out as fast as possible. I hope that they do keep him in - that way you can be assured he's being monitored. If they wish to discharge him today, can you just put your foot down and say no - you're not ready/he's not ready to come home? I was advised to do that with my first born - my doc told me to tell the hospital no I wasn't going home (he was early and getting jaundiced) - and it worked - but that was elsewhere and 20 years ago!

    Shiney - I don't do photographs - I'm lucky if I remember to take photos let alone 'fix them up'.......was designing a logo for a school who wants leavers hoodies ordered - but wanted to see a 'mock up' of the design idea the students and I came up with prior to ordering. Our graphic design team will of course do the professional one, mine was just to give them an 'idea' how it would look. Design took about half an hour - several hours to download the program! I used to use it alot in creating ads etc. - but been a while :(
  3. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its -8 here and no new snow overnight.

    We are off this morning to bring Kait home for a weekend visit, so 6 hours of driving today and Monday is a holiday here, so 6 more hours then, but i havent seen her since the Christmas break, so its worth it.

    Thoughts and Prayers too Jaz for Mat.
  4. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning all my friends I trust that you are all OK and relatively well, Saturday the start of the weekend and it looks like a good morning for our early morning constitutional walk,its dry,quite warm and very quiet outside you can almost hear the silence,my kind of morning , anyway everyone have a great day and please take care:)
  5. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    good morning woo and everyone, im up early this morning, had loads to do yesterday so i didnt get on here as i had to leave at 7.30 am to go get things from other flat, im off out today picking hubby up at airport then dropping him off at club then off for some shopping for the new flat.
    got a slight problem with the back yard apparently its a shared yard spoke to neighbour upstairs hes got his up for sale and he said iff i put fencing up i might get told to take it down, the yard has never been used for years and its in such a state with thick moss all over im going to clean it up before i put decking down, anyway i got permission to do this before i sighned contract so going to call my agents that own my flat see what they have to say.
    kandy hope your feeling better do take care
    jazmine hope mat will be ok and gets out of hospital soon,
    thanks all my dear friends for being there for me.
    have a nice day all
  6. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Good morning all!

    Not much sleep last night - been up watching the coverage of the Winter Olympics in Vancouver - with them being 8 hours behind - going to have some late nights I think - particularly when the hockey games start!

    Rosa - hope you get the back garden issues sorted out - horrible to be told something and then be unsure if there's a problem or not. Hopefully you're dealing with decent people who will be reasonable.

    My 18 yr old got great news yesterday - an offer from Warwick University and a letter from Reading stating they were impressed at interview and an offer is forthcoming. He now has five offers - has discounted two of the uni's I think and so decisions to be made about his firm and insurance offer! We'll go up to the Warwick open day - see if that helps him decide which one is first choice!

    Hope you have a great weekend with your daughter Penny - drive safe!

    Woo - as I type this you are likely out there in the freezing cold on your walk - hope you're bundled up warm!

    Loopy Lou - saw on here yesterday mention of your birthday - happy birthday and I hope you have a great day!
  7. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Woo,Rosa and everyone,

    Shiney thanks for that link.I hope that the seal had no yuky diseases or else she would know it with it kissing her{eeek}Forgot to say there was also a good Monty Don programme on that night as well about city people wanting to set up farms and this lady had got some Llamas that she had paid a fortune for but her neighbours were being bitchy because they didn't want her or her log cabin on their greenbelt land plus she hadn't got the permission to put up her home anyway:mad:Simon King from the Shetland Isles was good though:gnthb:

    Woo,enjoy your walk this morning.It is paceful here as well,one reason why we moved here because we were sick of the noise of the traffic where we used to live:D

    Rosa,hope everything goes ok for you today picking up your hubby from the airport and I hope that the problem can be resolved with the shared yard.I know that you want to make it secure for Roxy and not sure how it goes if the flat up above is up for sale.You will have to have a word with the letting agents to see what they have to say.Good luck and do let us know how it goes:thmb:I am ok today health wise so my insides might be getting used to these meds now:)

    Anyway,it was a bit nippy last night when we went for our evening walk but as we usually walk fast as we chat we only felt cold round our faces:DGlad to get back into the warm though and then after my second stint on my bike sat down and watched Relocation in Australia and then watched a good programme again with Monty Don about three people learning the old crafts from long ago making chairs out of greenstick wood.Mr Kandy would have been good at that and it was a nice educational programme:gnthb:

    Had a letter come yesterday from the hospital with an appointment to go and have my chesticals sqaushed again:mad:I'm only willing to put up with the pain because it shows up any bad signs but I do wish they could find a better way of screening for that type of cancer:p

    Hope you all have a great day:)
  8. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Natilie,you must have posted as I was typing:DI love the way they had to ship the snow in because there wasn't enough in Vancouver,but be the global warming that did it:hehe:
  9. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    woo, I hope you had a good walk. :thumb:

    Jazmine, I hope that the hospital get Mat sorted out soon. :thmb:

    rosa, good luck with getting the back yard sorted. :)

    penny, I hope the roads were OK for all that driving. :gnthb:

    Natalie, That's good news that your son has so many offers. :yho:

    Mrs shiney and I had a nice walk last night before I went off to bridge but my ears got a bit cold :hehe:. Mrs shiney wore a woolly hat so her ears were quite warm. Wooly hat for me next time :thmb:.
    After bridge last night, which finished about 11.15, I went and did the shopping for the weekend. We have eight friends here today and we shall be having a variety of curries - no prepackaged stuff as two people are diabetic (although I never buy prepackaged food anyway :hehe:). Tomorrow we also have visitors and I shall make a chicken Marengo.
    I didn't bother to go to bed last night as I didn't feel like sleeping - but didn't watch the Olympics. I relaxed and watched Dave until 3 a.m. then read and did some paperwork. It looks as though the sun is trying to come out so a little later I shall wander into the village as I have a few things to send off at the post office.

    Have a great day :D
  10. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    good morning natalie, kandy and shiney,
    just to let you know i did get permission to do my decking and fencing area at top of yard were my back door is, the neighbour said he payed extra to put his car in back yard its in his deeds so i told him were my decking is at front were garage door is theres enough room to get his car in and guess what they dont even put their car in the back yard in fact that back yard has never been used in years its a complete ugly mess out there, anyway im calling my agent who own the property see what they have to say about all this,
    kandy pleased to hear the med has started working and you feel a little better.
    all have a great day
  11. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    haha, yeah! Vancouver itself is pretty much like the UK in terms of snow - it's a rarity and when it does fall in Vancouver or the Lower Mainland area, the city falls apart 'cos they're not prepared. All the snow equipment is based up in Whistler.
    The one area they were showing last night with the ski jumping I think it was, is in Cypress Bowl, just across the harbour from the city - and so alot less snow than up at Whistler/Blackcomb further into the mountains. Cypress Bowl would be where we would take the kids up to go tabogganning, running around in the snow. Hard to believe it's an Olympic venue now!

    Kandy I like those relocation shows - as long as the Australian ones aren't about Western Australia.....those ones make me homesick for family and make me wonder why I ever left there to go to Canada - my family have a wonderful lifestyle down there.

    Hubby once made a double seater chair out of willow - was really uncomfortable to sit on, but was lovely :) We always said we would make another one here....but haven't as yet!

    Shiney - you're one of those midnight grocery shoppers too eh? Done that many times - and usually find it's a cheaper shop as the shelves are still being stocked - so I'm usually missing a load of stuff :(

    Hubby has taken a couple of the kids to Bluewater shopping. He'd better not be doing Valentines Day - I have a thing about it - don't like it - it's all the other days in the year that matter more to me :)

    We're off to see the Invicta ice hockey team tomorrow night play Isle of Wight - looking forward to it :)

    Rosa - good luck with getting the right info from the owner - hope it all works out the way you had planned!

    Happy Saturday :)
  12. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    Good Morning everyone, rosa so glad to hear you are getting everything sorted out about the yard... Have a chat with the agents, but if no one else uses it after you have your decking & fencing done plant it as you want until someone tells you different.. Or I would anyway if it was me.. You never know when you get new neighbours they might like to help you..!! Take care my dear & enjoy it...:thumb:

    Kandy so glad to hear you are feeling better & your meds have kicked in properly now.. Take my dear.. :thumb:

    Jazmine, I am so soory to hear about Matt.. I do hope they get hom sorted & comfortable soon, but I do agree with Natalie, if you are not happy about him being sent home because you feel it is too early or whatever do voice your opinion.. I do & have always found it to be the best way & all the staff & docs have always been fine about it..!! I wish Matt a speedy recovery now, it is so hard to watch our children suffer & not be able to make them better, so you take care too my dear..

    To all the rest of my friends here have a lovely day whatever you are up to..!! :thmb:
  13. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone.,

    Its -3 here and a dusting of snow.
  14. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    We haven't been to see Mat today. He is on morphine and feeling rough. They think it is the stent and infection causing all this pain, I am so worried about him - I spoke to him briefly but he wasn't himself .
  15. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Doesn't sound good Kath....poor kid. If he has an infection, remember it does take a good couple of days on the 'right' antibiotic to start to tame it down. Hopefully the taming down will happen soon and he'll be on the road to recovery. big hugs your way

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