Yawn... Wakey Wakey...!!! #3

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by wiseowl, Feb 2, 2010.

  1. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Wow - too bad we can't realise the savings of $38,000 per seat by watching it at home eh? We will be watching Canada vs. USA in the comfort of the living room, log fire going, loads of coffee and hot chocolate at 3:45 am on Monday morning :) We're all headed to bed early early on Sunday night. Luckily the little guys have an inset/bakers day on Monday......though I shall be back to work.

    Shiney - bike riding is exercise????? Uhoh....I thought it was just a method of keeping my kids from whining!
  2. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Evening friends :)

    Hope everyone is well.
    I loved the show last night and didn't realise until halfway through that Gareth Gates was in it and was excellent!
    My stress levels went through the roof yesterday, we had a phone call from sons GP to say he had contracted the MRSA bug in hospital :mad::(

    Now the poor chap is on tablets, nasal spray and a special bodywash. He is sleeping a lot and not eating much. He really has been through it. It has taken over my thinking at the moment.
  3. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Jazmine, I'm so sorry to hear about your son :( and hope he recovers soon :thumb:.

    It is extremely frosty out there this morning. When I went out at 7.30 last night I had to scrape the frost off the car and then do it again at 11.30 before I could drive home. The sun is coming out so it looks as though we may have another lovely day :gnthb:.

    Have a great day :D
  4. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone,

    Jazmine sounds like your son is having it rough at the moment and i wish him well.

    Shiney,thanks for the advice with my computer problems.I dare not start tampering with it as knowing me i shall make the probelm worse.It has only started since I added an Adobe flash player!! to see something my friend sent me and that was under Mr Kandys instruction of what to click on.He will have to sit here and sort the problem out as he is the computer nerd in the family:hehe:

    We still have snow here and we thought it was going to all vanish yesterday as the sun had started to melt it but then we had another couple of heavy showers last night:pStill had our evening walk though:thmb:

    We are off this morning to have our eyes tested so that will be fun.:p We shall have to defrost the car first though as we had a -2 frost last night:D

    Hope you all have a good day:)
  5. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    good morning, shiney, kandy, jazmine and everyone,
    jazmine so sorry to hear about your son thats just awful news hope he recovers soon be thinking of you , you must be stressed out and so worried my dear.do take care.
    shiney my flat is just about sorted just some shelves to put up in bathroom, mirror in dining room and a large curtain to put up in inner front door, bought material my friend is making the curtain monday.
    took before pics of the back yard so will put them up soon in members gallery.
    have a great day all
  6. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning kandy, we posted same time good luck with eye tests, hehe should of gone to specsavers, i ordered my glasses the other day got a nice pair and got a pair free so having them as sunglasses getting them in 2 weeks time.its been snowing here last night a bit in back yard.
    have a nice day
  7. Steve R

    Steve R Soil Furtler

    Feb 15, 2008
    G'morning everyone,

    Jazmine, we are all thinking of you and your son....I'm diong my best to think him better.

    Rosa..how quickly you get things done...we been here 2 years+ and still sorting stuff out..lol.

    Time for me to get some seeds started in the propogator today, I was in the greenhouse yesterday removing dead foilage from overwintering plants and generally tidying up. Its amazing that whilst the greenhouse glass has frost on it, there is still new growth on these plants..a bud here..a leaf there...wonderful! Must nip out my sweet peas today too.

    I bought some tiny Primulas late last year ( Primlets :D ) and potted them up...should I be getting them into the ground now..or wait a bit?

    Have a nice weekend everyone!

  8. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Hi Steve,

    If they are a hardy variety you can plant them out now. :gnthb:
  9. takemore02withit

    takemore02withit Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    Hiya Steve,mine have just started to flower in the garden so it must be ok :) 02
  10. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Sorry to hear about Mat Kath, hopefully his recovery is very quick with no complications.

    Been out at a university open daywith my son all day - just got back.....one more to go after this and then hopefully he can make his decision! Exhausting!

    Will be back on in a bit to read through what I have missed out on today - just getting fajita's done for dinner :)
  11. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning all my friends on this lovely Sunday in February,I am going to have a small amount of caffeine and then we are going out for our early morning walk,we shall leave about 4am or there about,s,Tiny,s away so its just Gypsy and Penny this morning ,everyone have a happy and enjoyable Day and please stay safe:)

    Spring is on the way:thmb:
  12. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Woo and everyone,

    Woo love your spring crocus and hope you enjoy your walk with the dogs:thmb:

    Well Mr Kandy spent two hours yesterday lunch time clearing the snow from off of our drive and now we have it all back again with more falling as I speak:D

    I keep putting out more food for the birds that are ground feeders as well as filling up the hanging feeders but as fast as I do that they are emptying them and the birds do look comical wading through the deep snow:DIt is lovely htough to have two male Reed Buntings feeding in the garden and as I have spread food closer to the house I can get better views of them:p

    I can't even appreciate my snowdrops any more as they are now covered with snow and at the moment we have more than the Lake District has had:hehe:

    Yesterday we went and had our eyes tested.Mr Kandy's was ok but my reading bit has changed so I need to get some new ones sometime:)

    Went for a nice walk yesterday afternoon to see if we could see the Short Eared owls again and was lucky to see one as we were walking back to the car so that was a nice end to the day:)

    Shiney,Thankyou for your advice with the computers:luv:.Mr Kandy had a quick look yesterday and once he changed the screen resolution it put it all right:gnthb:

    Rosa,glad to hear that you are getting your yard sorted.It looks nice and secure for little Roxy so she will enjoy it out there.Once you have your decking down the moss should dissapear as it grows in moist conditions but you won't see it anyway under the wood so don't worry too much about it:)

    Steve,if you are going to put out your plants in your raised beds with fresh compost they should be ok to put out now as long as you water them in,and as Shiney said as long as the ground in your garden part isn't frozen they should be ok.:thmb:

    Well we had a nice evening last night watching the winter olympics,but missed the end of the ladies curling against America as it was gone eleven and it looked to go on for quiet a while:ywn:

    Hope everyone has a good day whatever the weather:)
  13. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Yesterday turned out a beautiful sunny day after the heavy frost. The sun warmed the lounge up so much that we had to sit with the doors open as it got too hot :)

    Woo, that's a lovely crocus photo :gnthb: - spring is definitely on its way :). I hope you had a good walk.

    Kandy, I hope you are enjoying your snow :thumb:

    I'm off to a bridge tournament today. I won't miss the nice weather although I shall be stuck indoors till late evening as it is raining :hehe:

    Have a great day :D
  14. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Good morning everybody (or.....quite nearly afternoon!)

    A wet dirizzly day out there today :( But loads to do indoors getting kids stuff ready for back to school week. OH is out at rugby (in the rain no doubt) with little one that plays Sundays.

    Had another university open day yesterday with J, don't think this one will make it on his choices, as the offer is the same for two other unis which he had thought whichever one he had got an offer from would be his first choice - just wasn't expecting equal offers from them both! Glad it's his decision and not mine :) Have advised him to call the faculties and see who has time to talk to him, answer a question he might have - as it might be indicative as to how they are there for him as a student if he chose to attend there.

    Got a great deal on some lovely birdhouses at the garden centre the other day - hopefully not too late in having put them out yesterday - loads of bluetits and robins around - so they all have their various new homes to choose from should they wish to! Will need to safeguard the robin ones from squirrels though I think, as the best place to put those was in a large evergreen tree so they had some foliage coverage. But some great deals as it was 'national birdnest week' there till the 21st, may go get some more for the back garden :)

    Good luck in your tournament Shiney - hope you have a great time.

    Woo - you do get up early for your walks! Careful on icey sidewalks that time of day!

    Kandy glad you got your computer sorted.

    Well, laundry beckons.....have a great one everybody!
  15. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its -1 here and supposed to be a nice day.

    Waiting on the Canada/US hockey game that starts here at 7"30...............go Canada!

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