Yawn... Wakey Wakey...!!! #3

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by wiseowl, Feb 2, 2010.

  1. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning Kandy,Rosa,Shiney,Penny,Jazmine,Natalie,Steve and all my other friends have a lovely day and please stay safe out there.:)

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  2. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Woo andf everyone,

    Woo sorry to hear about that wall falling down round the castle,I expect it is all the water that has seeped down into the ground and has caused the pressure on the soil to make it push out the wall.Thankfully there was no one around to get injured by it.Lovely photos of the spring flowers as well:thmb:

    Natilie,i comner from a generation where we never had driers to dry the washing.My mum had twelve to wash for as well as the ones she and my dad fostered so it would have cost a fortune to dry that much washing as there was always washing to be done,that is why I don't mind washing and ironing as I have been doing all my own stuff since I was twelve.Mind you if I had five kids and two adults to cater for I would probably use my drier more if I could afford it:D

    Jazmine,you will have to have a couple of those bags for the spuds in your garden as nothing beats the taste of fresh home grown stuff.:thmb: An allotment would be good as well to help with the boredom and would get you nice and fit:D

    Anyway, as it was another lovely spring day yesterday I got some more washing dry and then in the afternoon went over to my lottie and got some work done over there so am well pleased and am looking forward to getting the stuff into the ground:D

    Hope you all have a great day:)
  3. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Once again it is frosty and sunny. I shall try to find time to potter in the garden today. I have to first try and sort out a problem for someone with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. It is always a nuisance trying to contact them by phone as it is always busy. The department I want only opens Mon - Thurs, 10 - 12 a.m. :scratch:

    Steve, nothing happens when right-clicking on anything on Bookmarks (Favourites) and there is nothing in View/Toolbars that seems relevant. There is no 'Options' on the bar and the 'Tools' - 'Browser Options' doesn't show anything relevant either. I shall look into reloading my Toolbar. I have found a link on my BT front page for downloading the BT Toolbar and I can only guess that it might reload it for me. I'll see whether I can find some more info first.

    Have a great day :D
  4. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Oh wow Woo - because of your pictures on here I almost think of it as 'Woo's castle' now! I do hope they can fix it - as it's a great spot to go to in the summer for a picnic - enjoy the views and the kids can actually learn something too :)

    Kandy - I wish my kids would use the drier a little better than they do though - eldest son seems to think that it's an 'iron' - throw work clothes in there with a damp cloth - tried explaining to him that if he gets his stuff out of the drier when it is 'just dry', rather than letting them sit in there, in most cases, there is no need for ironing or 're drying' them with a damp cloth! Grrrrrrrrr I think I might put a coin jar by the drier and charge them per use when it comes to silly use of it! Mind you - with good weather just around the corner (wishful.....) maybe it won't be an issue for too long!

    Well time to take my lunch break......harumph - and use it to take my son to his job and then off to a school for a meeting with some sixth formers :)

    Have a great day everybody!
  5. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its going to be another sunny day here, and a high of +3.

    Such pretty pictures WOO.
  6. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    A very good morning to all my friends here at Gardeners corner,I trust that you are all OK and well,Have a lovely day and please stay safe.:)
  7. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    good morning woo and everyone,lovely pics woo, ive been pretty busy these past few days, threw the moss killer in back yard hoping it goes and hoping my decking can get started next week the weather forecast is getting better and going to be a lot warmer over the weekend.
    off in the morning for a drive out with my friend shes taking me to a few garden centres want a tall pot for my climbers to stand next to my new arch and going to look at climbers and plants.
    have a nice day all
  8. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    I had to scrape the ice of the car again last night and will have to do it again this morning but it will be another great sunny day here in Shineyland :thumb:.

    It was dry enough out there yesterday afternoon for me to start tidying up the lawn edges. They are looking pretty good. :)

    Natalie, our tumble dryer has a 'damp' setting. We dry everything to that level and then take out the things that need ironing and then set it to completely dry the rest. It works very well :thmb:.

    Off for treatment this morning then out with friends for lunch. We haven't met up with these friends for about 20 years.

    Have a great day :D
  9. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Wish I was having your day Rosa instead of another day's working! Enjoy the garden centres - they're so exciting this time of year while you plan what you are going to do in the garden :)

    Shiney - yes we have a damp setting as well - but that means actually ironing.......lol - I'm more of a wash and wear person! Luckily it is a very economical drier though - a big North American Maytag - dries things much much quicker than the small 'regular' one that we had before - and with five kids, I need the big one!
  10. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Morning friends :luv:
    Have a lovely day everyone-I am visiting a very sick friend in hospital. It is a round trip of four bus rides so I will buy a day ticket.
  11. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its going to be +5 here and sunny.

    Off to do some grocery shopping in a bit
  12. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone,

    Shiney hope the treatment for whatever it is is going well and you are soon back to normaility:thmb:

    Natilie,I am looking forward to Mr Kandy turning sixty next year so he will then get the fuel allowance which will help with the utility bills but I don't think he will be entitled to the xmas bonus until he is sixty five:D He will also be entitiled to a free bus pass so i told him to get rid of the car and take the bus to work.He was not amused:DSad to say though I have to wait until I am sixty five to get my state pension thanks to the dozy goverment putting the age up when we could recieve it:(

    Anyway,we have a frost outside this morning again sop will have to wait until it melts before I can carry on with my gardening so in the meantime I am going to research how to be an MP so I can get a nice salary of £60+,000 then won't have to worry about bills coming in:D

    Hope you all have a great day and i must update my weightloss before i have me breakfast:D
  13. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Once again it is very frosty and very sunny. Yesterday turned out a dry, sunny day with sunshine. After the frost had gone it looked just like spring but was a bit nippy. Today will be just as lovely. :thumb:

    Kandy, what is this word 'normality'? I've never understood it :hehe:. Even when I was at school the teachers said I wasn't normal. :rotfl:

    The treatment was the regular one for back, shoulder and neck problems. That's why I have to have frequent breaks when gardening. I have to force myself to go out with friends for lunches etc :hehe:. I don't really want to do it :lollol:.

    Today's programme: started checking emails at 6 a.m., check forums, finish answering the 18 emails I have received, have a leisurely shower, breakfast, check credit card and bank statements that came in yesterday, do a little bit of gardening, go shopping and to the library, (miss lunch) go to a meeting then to Barry to help fill in another benefits form, then back home for more gardening before cooking dinner, then off to bridge and shall get back about 11.30 p.m.

    Have a great day :D
  14. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Shiney,

    Looks like everyone else is still in bed:hehe::D

    I have been eccentric all my life and Mr Kandy has got used to my weird way of thinking, although at times I do make him chuckle with some of my ideas:D

    Glad to hear that your problem is with your back,shoulder and neck problems and not something too serious:flag::D My sciatica has been giving me jip for the last few weeks and I think it is all the bike riding{stationary} i am doing since January but am determined to get more weight off even if it kills me:p Walking round the village in the evenings is murder but once I stretch out on the settee for a few hours before I fall asleep it settles down:D

    I have just been outside to hang some washing out and it is bitter out there -2 and have had to come in and have a hot drink to warm my fingers as they had gone numb:p.The ground i weeded yesterday and spread compost onto has frost on it as it is North facing so have just been out and taken a piccy of it,{sad or what}:D

    Good luck with helping barry out with the forms and hope that everything gets sorted for him and hope everything turns out ok for him in the end.:gnthb:

    By the way,how do you survive all day with just breakfast as I would be in a right state if I didn't eat for all those hours?

    Enjoy your day and the other chores you have to do:)
  15. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Kandy - no idea why, but have always imagined you to be late thirties/early fourties? You've blown me away with talk about being 60/65! lol I think that by the time people here get to be retirement age, they should have all kinds of benefits available to them - goodness knows you've paid for it all your working lives with not much of a back up system in case of emergency.

    Shiney - do you ever get five minutes just to sit and relax and let your mind wander? Or.....could your mind wanderiing be a dangerous thing - you'd likely come up with something else on your agenda! You certainly live a busy life :) You can't go missing lunch too often you know :)

    Frost on the ground and the cars this morning - but not too heavy. Have my usual busy Friday getting promised orders in for work and then joy of joy, the end of week reports to do at the end of the day - I don't like Fridays! Roll on the weekend.....

    Have a great day everybody!

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