Problem kids

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by clueless1, Feb 26, 2012.

  1. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    Very occassionally, we get things thrown at the front window, or the odd game of knocky hido. In a neighbourhood of predominantly young families, this is to be expected and it doesn't normal bother us. We just ignore it.

    Our house was a repo. I.e someone else lost it because they didn't pay their mortgage.

    Tonight, 3 kids (wife saw them, I didn't, she said about 12 year old so not big enough for a fettling) did the knocky hido, and also knocked on the window. Wife answered the door because they were quite persistent. As the kids ran off, one shouted 'F*** off from my house'. To me, this can mean only one thing. We are being targeted by the silly child of the last owner, out of a resentment of the fact that they lost the house and we bought it.

    As we have a village atmosphere here, it now wont take me very long at all to find the parents, should I wish to (which I don't really because it would require vindictive means that I renounced many years ago). I don't wish to burst this kid's bravado bubble because years ago, I was the kid who's house was repo'ed, and I know it is extremely traumatic so I know they are just venting off. However, if its going to be more than just the ocassional bit of childish silliness, I have to do something.

    Any suggestions?

    PS I'm not setting bear traps are destroying anyone's souls.:heehee:
  2. kyleleonard

    kyleleonard Total Gardener

    May 23, 2011
    Didn't you make a thread a few months ago about kids playing knock-a-door-run on your house and then just standing in your garden and not running.. or did I dream it? :D
  3. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    Yes, but that was before the new clue about who it was and what it was about that we only found out tonight.
  4. kyleleonard

    kyleleonard Total Gardener

    May 23, 2011
    Thought so.

    Living in Salford, I'm used to the odd problem child, most of them get bored, or simply grow up and stop doing it.
    • Like Like x 1
    • redstar

      redstar Total Gardener

      Aug 6, 2008
      Domestic Goddess
      Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
      To be expected?????

      ONCE, someone dared to walk the long driveway to knock on our door and run at 9:30PM. Husband opened up our door and told our shepard to find them. Off he went, and cornered them behind a garage two houses up. Husband quickly behind. All my great dog did was stand them off and give them a look, husband said. We had no issues ever again.
    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      Different world Esther.
    • redstar

      redstar Total Gardener

      Aug 6, 2008
      Domestic Goddess
      Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
    • Fidgetsmum

      Fidgetsmum Total Gardener

      Jul 25, 2009
      Deepest, darkest Kent
      React and they'll 're-react'; ignore 'em and they'll get fed up.
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      • ClaraLou

        ClaraLou Total Gardener

        Aug 12, 2009
        It's sound advice to ignore minor annoyances - up to a point. Unfortunately, turning a blind eye doesn't always do the trick, especially if you're dealing with a kid with a grudge. I wish there was an easy answer to this sort of thing, because it really does impact on the way you feel about where you live. When we were having problems (rather different, I should add) I found that I was permanently on tenterhooks about what might happen next. That permanent feeling of uneasiness was horrible.

        You've mentioned problems before, Clueless, and you've always been very level headed about them. However, I really don't see why you should put up with this sort of thing. If you live in an area where there are always gangs of kids mooching around, maybe you should consider moving (I think you were anyway???). Knocking on doors and running away is one thing; throwing things at windows is quite another. I'm afraid I don't have much patience with this sort of chippy insolence. Perhaps it's sad that the child has lost his home but he's lucky enough to live in a society which will ensure his parents keep a roof over their heads. Maybe his mum and dad need to teach him a few manners.
      • moonraker

        moonraker Gardener

        Jan 16, 2012
        Hi clueless
        Not all that long ago it was both in the papers and on the TV. about a mother and her child who after many calls to the police ended up killing themselves, because the daughter had problems and the local youth thought it was a good idea to pester them both until life was'nt worth living anymore.

        Again not long ago an older (slow of learning) man who was the target of repeated knocks on the family door at night, again couldnt take anymore and the police didnt do their job as well as they could of and again he killed himself,

        Now because of these two cases and the fact that not enough was done by the police it was taken up in the houses of commons that these two families has a right to live their lives in peace and not be tageted or bullied and that a dim view would be taken of any police force who did not take these complaints seriously.

        You my friend are not paid to or have any right to contact the last owners of your home because you may open a can of worms if it turns out "Not" to be their children causing this problem,

        But as a tax payer you can and should use the police force to do their job in sorting this matter out, thats what they are there for.

        If you leave this matter to grow "and if these kids have nothing better to do thats what will happen" It will grow & grow and both you and your wife will be looking over your shoulder for ever more, it was stones at your window this time, it may just be something a bit more attention seeking next time.

        Do the right thing by your wife and tell the police via a visit with all the facts both in writing (you'll get a reply if you address your findings and complaint to the chief police officer and say you want a reply to this matter) and providing your willing to stand by all you have to say ie the facts,
        the police will deal with this matter and if you feel that time is passing by and your not happy with no action then make an appointment to talk with your local MP And i'll guarantee you'll get action in double quick time from the police.

        Not you or your wife should have to be put through the mill by some under aged child,
        Ask yourself a question;
        In the past when things have gone wrong! how many times have you or your wife said "Why didnt someone tell me sooner??

        These kids mother or father may not know what the hells going on.
        Regards Moonraker.
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