Read a review about ISOTOMA AXILLARIS-Blue Stars a while ago.So i thought i would give it a go,looking nice given the weather conditions.Australian in origin i believe.
Looks nice Gogs - watch out for the warning I found though: "Caution - Handling plant may cause skin irritation or allergic reaction" Keep those gloves on!
How big are yours Gogs. I sowed some in early March, but they are still only two inches high. They look like small holly bushes at present!
I bought some seeds from a Bulgarian trader, but I found contradictory instructions about sowing and germination. The sticker on the packet says: cover with compost and keep in the dark for the first 7 days, at 20C; Online guidance says: 'do not exclude light.' PLEASE, advice!
I just copied this from a site giving information to commercial growers Plug Production Media Use a well-drained, disease-free, media with a pH of 5.5 to 6.2 and an EC of 0.75 mmhos/cm. Sowing Sow 2 to 4 seeds per cell in 288 or larger plug tray; no cover needed. Spray preventively with fungicide. Stage 1 – Germination begins between day 8 to 12 continuing through day 14 to 21. Soil temperature: 68 to 72°F (20 to 22°C) Light: Not necessary but beneficial Moisture: Keep soil moist (level 4) in Stage 1. Humidity: Maintain 95 to 97% relative humidity (RH) until cotyledons emerge.