Planning a trip to Belize end of August this year, first time for us. Anyone been, any insight?? I will be purchasing one of those travel books for that area soon, as I always do for new places. Thanks in advance.
Sorry Red, farthest south I have been is Florida! I would love to go to Belize or Costa Rica to the rain forests but the prices from here are a bit prohibitive, I will wait in anticipation for some of your pics.
Hi Redstar, well not actually been to Belize, yet.... but this site is excellent... Has a forum where you can talk to the reviewers & there is a review for every hotel guest house etc..!! Good luck on your choice.. :thumb:
Below is a link to the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office's advice regarding Belize. It bears out what our niece reported a couple of years ago when she had to occasionally visit for supplies for the off-shore island resort she was managing. You need to take a bit of care in where you go and what you do. Though she wasn't doing the usual 'touristy things' and in the main tourist areas.
Thanks, I will check on those links. Yep, from what I am reading I gather you have to be extra careful. We went to the Dominican Rep a few years ago--same thing--to be careful --never saw so many guns out and about before. Just staying on the resort. The place we are staying in Belize is already locked in---"Cuxlin ha Village" through a timeshare exchange. And we have to fly into Belize then fly again to (forgot now) on a smaller plane. But husband would like to spend a few days in the town of Belize to check it out. We'll see. Have time to organize stuff.
hi redstar ive not been to belize myself but friends of mine in america were from belize and its a lovely place seen pics of it, i would love to go myself, do enjoy it
Maybe get in touch with the Embassy Redstar & also this site might help you too as regards the tourist industry & where to go.. Embassy.... I am sure you will have a great time Redstar.. My experience in the Caribbean it to be vigilant at all times, but sometimes the travel companies try to frighten us to stay on resort at all times... ( to furnish their pockets rather than the country itself perhaps.) Look deeply Red as it is often that certain areas are very safe. I am sure you can have a great safe time & not always on resort.... Make sure your taxi is reliably recommended & doesn't lkeave you.. Buy him lunch & a good tip & he will be there for you at all times... :wink: Well that's my experience around the Caribbean as I say... I know you are talking about Belize don't worry but there are great similarities...:thmb:
Hi Redstar, Mrs shiney and I do a lot of travelling so I hope I can help with this and other places. I was in Belize 3 years ago. We visited it whilst doing a study of Mayan sights there and in Guatemala, Honduras and the Yucatan - amongst other place. We also went to have a look at how New Orleans was coping after Katrina. I don't exactly where you will be but the Mayan ruins at Altun Ha are only about 40 miles north (I think) of Belize city. There is also the Blue Hole National Park not too far from Belize with some easy walking trails (good for bird watchers as well) and you can swim in the hole if you like. There is also St Herman's Cave in the park. It shouldn't be hard to arrange a proper tour to both places and it would be better than doing it yourself. I can post up a few photos if you want - when I have some spare time (I'm busy all weekend).
Thanks Shiney. We will be staying in a resort called "Cuxlin ha Village, don't know the town name, but its 203 miles south of Belize. So far as we are now reserved there this resort seems to want are stay to be great, several email have been coming are way from them about what to do, tours etc. We are suppose to land in the city of Belize and then take another plane to the resort. My OH wants to stay in Belize first for a few days to check it out. then get the second plane. Love those sights you mentioned. Maybe the place we stay first will offer tours as I am not to crazy about renting a car. Yes proper tours are better and safer than a do it yourself.