View out of our unpstairs window, the longest one on the right is about 3 foot long. It's started to thaw this afternoon and crashed down on the extension roof, I wouldn't want to be underneath one when they fell!
Impressive! We don't have icicles, but plenty of houses around us do. Watch out for your extension roof - those icicles could do some damage!
nice pic jwk i seen a few small icicles at the bottom of my car the other day but apart from that not seen many anywere
Love your icicles John. I was only saying the other day to Al that ive not seen icicles since I was a kid. Disgusting as it may seem now, as youngsters we used to break them off and suck them.:hehe: 02
o2; Hee hee, I used to do the same. My lad broke one off and has stored it in the freezer, he wants to keep it till the summer.