How to keep a bare root tree alive?

Discussion in 'Trees' started by sharky, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. sharky

    sharky Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 8, 2010
    Hi, I've just had a 7' Rowan tree delivered that I ordered off the internet about a week ago.

    It arrived wrapped in plastic clingfilm and i've now unwrapped it and put the root end in a bucket and it's currently standing in my utillity room.

    I wont be in a possition to plant it for about another week or 2 so how can I store it over that time.

    Also, is there any danger in planting such a tree in the present snow covered conditions?

    Please forgive my stupidness in this matter but I'm new to winter gardening anf trees.

  2. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :thumb: Hi Sharky.. Not a stupid question at all, but if it was me I would be off out tomorrow if poss & get a bag of erecacious compost and a pot or tub big enough to contain the roots..
    If not able to do that, then I would do the best with what I had as it is only a temporary measure... Pot it up & keep it cool, just moist but frost free & some light until this current cold snap has departed then get out & plant it.. When you do plenty of compost in the hole first, back fill firming it in & then mulch with bark or like afterwards..
    I always think trees are best planted in Autumn if poss or anytime now as long as we are not getting these perma frosts..!!
    Good luck, but you should be OK as trees are dorment at this time of year... Just do not let it stand in freezing water, wet compost or freezing conditions until in the ground to protect the roots...:thumb:
  3. has bean counter

    has bean counter Gardener

    May 14, 2007
    You need to keep it dormant until you are able to plant it properly. Normally you would just find a bit of spare ground and plant it (heeling in) just covering the roots.

    Given the weather we have now I would and the ground being frozen I would, as Marley says, buy a bag of compost and plant it either in a big pot or just empty the compost out of the bag and re-use the bag. I would also wrap the pot in cardboard or whatever you have that is free - just to keep out the worst of the frost. Then leave it outside. Do not water

    Trees are pretty resilent
  4. Flinty

    Flinty Gardener

    May 19, 2008
    Good advice above. Don't forget to provide it with a really secure stake when you do plant it outside. Some of the strongest winds can catch us out at the very end of winter.
  5. sharky

    sharky Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 8, 2010
    Thanks for the advice everyone.

    I braved the snow yesterday and planted it. the ground was frozen solid for the first 2 inches or so. So i went down nice and deep and added some erecacious compost and a sprinkle of bonemeal.

    I also got 3 Silver Birch and 3 Bird Cherry trees delivered yesterday, so I'll probably but them in pots for the next few weeks til I can get out there properly.

    Thanks again for the advice.


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