My neighbour is not a very good driver / parker and ran over my wheelie bin wheel pulling it off the bin. (Tyre off wheel, wheel off axle) I figured rather than call the council who will want to charge a small fortune or want to know how it happened I would search the www for a new one, simple? I wish. Found a place last night ordered it on line, this morning got an email, I can't have a wheel because my membership details differ form card details. (I put in a few random letters for membership) I replied stating I only want a wheel (costing £8) and I don't want and don't need a membership, I only want one wheel. Back came a reply saying that I could not have credit but I have to take out a membership (which is free) to join their company. I replied saying I don't want the wheel. I was just now looking online again and I found another place selling it again for £8, I followed it through to the check out and the cost £18. £18 for one wheel? I thought perhaps I inadvertently said I would like 2 wheels, I checked, no, only one wheel at £8, Delivery £7 + VAT £3 = £18 Back I went searched again ebay £2.50 +£2 postage. mine. All this just for a wheel, arrrrrrrraaaahhhhhhhhh (Oh, I did look at other sites, they say they offer wheels, but don't. Another was a 5 day lead time for one wheel, and some were councils that are not mine)
Wasn't the original by Barry McGuire of "Eve of Destruction" fame? Sticker for the back of the neighbour's car.
Should it not be YOUR NEIGHBOUR doing all this hassle Just swap bins, or send him the bill including time , effort plus 80% Jack McH
Yes Jack McHammocklashing, you are right, but I thought about it, and I didn't see the point of starting what will end up being an argument over a wheel for a wheelie bin. I can't swap bins either because the one she ran over they (my neighbour) don't have anymore, it disappeared. (No, nothing to do with me) and now you ask, I don't use the one they damaged either, I just keep it with the other bins. We have 5 wheelie bins out front. (It should be 6, and two boxes, but all the boxes in our road have also gone)
"now you ask, I don't use the one they damaged either, I just keep it with the other bins." So why bother with the expence, Just nick one of the wheels of her other bins Preferably the one she uses MOST Jack McH
Why not just ring your Council, tell them the bin appeares to have been damaged, you've no idea how it happened, but the wheel's broken orf and ask them to deliver a replacement?