The 'Rip-off Games'

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Fidgetsmum, May 19, 2012.

  1. Jungle Jane

    Jungle Jane Starved Of Technicolor

    Dec 12, 2010
    Local Nutcase
    South Essex
    I don't live in London I live in Essex near to Hadleigh, where the cycling event is being held.

    I completely agree with you on that

    The OH gets a magazine every month printed by TFL for their workers. I can remember an article recently where there was an award ceremony and every award went to a manager. Most didn't even thank their "staff" and of course they were not invited either, they all had better things to do.
  2. Fidgetsmum

    Fidgetsmum Total Gardener

    Jul 25, 2009
    Deepest, darkest Kent
    I think if nothing else, the Olympics are proving (if proof were needed) that this country, or at least certain people within it, have finally lost the plot.

    The RMT staff Jane mentions will, like many others, be working a flat out for little or no recognition, if it all goes 'base-over-apex' they'll get the blame, if it goes well they'll be lucky to get a 'thank you'. I watched that recent TV documentary on the underground and it's a wonder the staff manage to keep it running at all - and whilst it's not often I agree with strike action, I certainly think those on the underground would be justified - only I'd say wait until the Olympics have actually started!

    I hear of so many people whose leave and working arrangements have been completely turned upside-down with little or no consideration given to the fact that these people have families.

    An acquaintance of mine is in a job which would not normally require shifts, but since her employers feel they need 24 hour coverage, she was recently handed a list of her 'Olympic Hours' - on 6 different days she's required to start or finish work in the very early hours and when she, not unreasonably asked, "How am I supposed to get in or get home again?", her employer's response was ... 'You'll have to find a hotel' They'll pay her subsistence yes, but only £50 a night and she's still got to get to it.

    Conversely, my employers are giving everyone (a pre-tax) £1,000 to '.... compensate .. for the 4 month ban on annual leave ... and ... disruption to working hours'. Well, apart from the fact that I'd happily forgo the money to have life remain as normal, the 'rumblings' have become so loud that 'them upstairs' have said they'll be donating their 'compensation' to charity (!!) completely missing the point that whilst there is no leave and silly working hours, this £1,000 is also being paid to anyone on long term sick leave or maternity leave, who won't be working in any event!

    Stop the world - I want to get off.
  3. gcc3663

    gcc3663 Knackered Grandad trying to keep up with a 4yr old

    May 6, 2011
    North Tyneside/South Northumberland
    Which poor S** has the job of getting drunken passengers to pee in the bucket?
  4. gcc3663

    gcc3663 Knackered Grandad trying to keep up with a 4yr old

    May 6, 2011
    North Tyneside/South Northumberland
    I can't see the dedicated lane working. Sods Law says:-
    "If there's a quiet lane, it'll get filled by taxis, buses and white vans"
    Ergo: "Which quiet lane was that then?"

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