30 people went to the Tan Hill pub in Yorkshire on new years eve for some celebrations. This pub is the highest in England and as of this morning they are still there..! Cant get out..snowed in... spirits are said to be high...
I saw that on the news this morning Robert-apparently they are being charged only ten pounds a night to stay! It looked remote so they may be there for a while yet.
They' ve certainly got a captive audience.:lollol: Pete's got a valid point though, what do they do if you refuse to pay the £10 a night? .....throw you out in the snow.s00k:usr: :wink: 02
I would pay £10 to stay there O2, it would be worth it for the fun it you were with a good group of people :D
i understand, according to the local radio this was the pub that was used in the tv advert for EVEREST double glazing. before they were down to their last barrel at the pub, if EVEREST had done a bit of clever pr work and supplied a copter load of free beer etc they could have had a brilliant ADVERT "with windows like these, the customers do not want to leave????? :wink::wink: music..