Hi, I have a bleeding heart dicentra that appears to have died back after flowering. Is this normal ? I have just cut the dead stuff away for now and there appears to be some new growth at the base. gazania
Hi Gazania Its a spring flowering plant so its normal dont worry that it starts to look tatty and bits die back , a tidy up which you have done is the norm Spruce
This is normal, although you might get some leafy growth coming back particularly as the plant gets bigger.
Thanks, it's normal then. I'm hoping for some new leaves then as the corner where it is planted will look pretty grim until next spring. Got a couple of toad lily's close by and I thought they would have flowered by now ! Any ideas on flowering times ? gazania
As other have said, very normal Gazania. I've got a little group of them on the dark side of the house and have interplanted them with Dicentra Eximia which is generally shorter, has a longer flower season and keeps its foliage from early spring until the first frosts. So makes a nice companion planting for season round interest. I think Toad Lilies flower in the autumn. Cheers
Thanks, yes just googled the toad lily and eventually discovered aug-sept time for flowering. Which is good as that means I havn't missed it I have 2, one is trycyrtis, and the other a formosa. I'll look forward to that then. gazania
Glad you asked this as I planted one earlier in the year and now I know its a spring flowering plant I'll stop wondering why it hasn't done much!