yea, but the company doing the dives are not military .... from what I understand, they make movies/documentaries
Really? To be honest i am starting to think its a prank. A prank or a UFO and a prank is more likely although fingers crossed for little green men
Ive found an update i think...prob not gutted
Given that UFO is widely accepted to be Unidentified Flying Object, and this thing is on the sea bed, I think its safe to say its not a UFO. Besides which its not even unidentified. I've already tell't you, its the Millennium Falcon.
I always wonder about these things.. so an Alien civilization have mastered inter-stellar flight technology, but can't even land a space ship properly?.. sounds a little fishy to me (pun intended).. Honestly though, my university degree partly studied Geology, and to me, this looks like what is termed 'limestone pavement' under the water. Limestone pavement often has a brick-like effect and can raise and fall abruptly, it is created due to geological stresses in the Earth.
I think they are blagging a lot now, i heard him say they have a contract with a production company,i seen a programme a few week back about the baltic and there is a lot of their land now under water so it could be anything from the past
Might have been driven by female aliens. Ok while its going in a roughly straight line, but its parking it that's the problem
Or an Audi/BMW driver. Sat nav said to go straight on. Satnav said there's no planet right in front of you cos its not in the map therefore its not there, just carry on, its fine, honest.