After keeping you in suspense for so long I can almost hear a groan of deflation coming with what I'm about to tell you. Believe me I've been a cat on hot bricks though, waiting for the news. This is not about me. As you're aware my daughter emigrated to Canada 14 months ago and in that time she hasn't been able to get a job of any kind, work is sparse out there unless you're in the trades. It's been touch and go whether she had to come back. She is qualified in specialist insurance and has spent all her working life 'til now, in an office and hated every minute of it. On moving to Canada she wanted a career change and yesterday she got the job of her dreams, something she has wanted to do for years. The job appeared out of nowhere, she's had three interviews and she starts training on Thursday. The job............she's going to become a driving instructor and will qualify to be on the road by Christmas. When she has time served under her belt she will then go on to teach on motorcycles (she already rides herself) and her ultimate goal will be to learn and teach HGV. She loves vehicles of all kinds and would dearly love to be an ice-trucker but unfortunately that's not to be, as she would have to spend weeks away from her other half. I'm over the moon, my nerves are frayed and I hope it all goes well for her.
Please pass on my heartiest congratulations to her for getting a REAL job. Wonderful news Sheal, cheers ,, Jenny
Congratulations to your daughter Sheal It's great to hear of someone fulfilling their dream...the best of luck to her
Thanks all, I know it probably wasn't what you were expecting and were waiting to see Canada posted in my location but I'm British through and through despite the weather and the present state of the country. ...........And then of course there's that problem with aeroplanes, but we won't get into that right now!
First off Conga Rats to your daughter Second oh yes we will. She has the balls to leave home and start a new life, get a new dream job in a Country she does not know Last month I took my family to Italy by plane, the two three year olds loved it The five year old laughed out loud and announced to the whole plane that the wing had broken off, when the pilot extended the aerlions thought it was great Now if your daughter and my grandkids can do it so can you, to go and Conga rats your daughter on her new job and a BIG SUPRISE FOR CRIMBO TOGETHER :-) Hey Sheal "I" Will pay your flight (ECONOMY CLASS) for you Promise Jack McH
Congratulations Sheal on your daughters new job and hope that it is a long and happy one as there is nothing worse than being stuck for years in a job that you hate...
Thats so great, i am so happy that Hayley found somthing , and even better that she found somthing she loves.....good for her. Tell her Congratulations for me