Hi all you wonderful GCers Capney (robert) here. I know its been awhile since I reported in to the forum. Its just a case of events overtake one and the world moves on regardless. Im not even going to attempt to read all the threads I have missed, I shall only get myself confused and not be able to reply to any of them. Updates are... Health... is good at the moment Im glad to say and I can now tackle most jobs. Garden... Well if you remember I decided to give up on veg and go for flowers in my small back garden. Some success so far but not as nice as I would like it. The two apple trees are total rubbish as is the new victoria plum. Seems the cold snap we had in June knocked all the blossom back. I have a new lawn mower. Its a Qualcast model E1... A push job about 60 years old. I have spent several happy hours stripping it down, doing it up and giving it a lick a paint. It is now far to nice to use......but I tell you what, I must prefer it to these modern electric jobs or the petrol ones. What else is happening in the Vale. We have had our share of emergencies in the street. Celia next door (104) had displaced her hip probable twice since I last signed in. They have now done aa repair on her hip and she is back home again today. Mate across the road had a incident with a shard of glass from a broken greenhouse window when it penetrated his arm and went right through. Rather nasty and messy. Oh yes. I had to get my Gloria off to hospital in an ambulance. all is now OK with her and warrants no further discussion. Oh yes.. My new PC. I went the whole hog as they say and got myself an Apple 17" mac book pro. After many years using windows machines the Apple way is certainly different and Im still on a steep learning curve. I m glad I made the switch. Its a cracking piece of kit. My photography is dominating a lot of my time at the moment. With the new Mac I have had to purchase new editing software that also needs some mastering. I think I had better stop now or you are all going to be bored out of your skulls listening to me going on, and on. Hope your gardens and gardening is all that you want it be.
Thanks guys. Just kick my butt if I don't report in more often. Truth is I think I have to many interests on the go at this time. Several web sites and loads of pictures on PODS (Print On Demand) Sites. No way am I going to stop any of them...
I hear Yorkshire Water is supplying team GB with all their drinking water. I always knew it was good stuff.
Welcome back Dear Robert its wonderful to see you back again .Great to here you are in good health. .
Welcome back capney, glad to hear you are in good health!! I also use an Apple comp. they're brilliant!! Val
Hi Val Have to agree with you. I was wondering if we had any Mac users thread on the forum. Could be useful for the likes of me and anybody else who are new to the Apple way.