Silly money Lottery & Premium Bond Prizes

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Phil A, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    I keep seeing more & more people winning stupid amounts of money.

    The sort of prizes that would take you totally out of the life that you know now. Its all very well people saying "It won't change me" of course it will.

    Imagine if you were an average family living in a terrace, suddenly you have millions & millions of quid. Now thats immediatley changed you, you are suddenly a target for burglars & kidnappers, begging letters, old friends that you wouldn't even have on your facebook page are suddenly coming out of the woodwork.

    You'd find it very hard to stay where you were, so you'd probably move to a nice house in the country, what happens to all your old friends? Do you make new ones? Do you tell them how rich you are, will they find out? and so on.

    Now, especially in these hard times, wouldn't it be better to say no more stupid prizes for the time being, instead there are going to be loads more sensible prizes.

    If the maximum were set at £10 or £20K, that would make a lot of difference to a lot more people, rather than just making one family mega rich.
    • Like Like x 11
    • Naylors Ark

      Naylors Ark Struggling to tame her French acres.

      Oct 15, 2009
      Indre, France
      Totally agree Zigs.
      • Like Like x 1
      • roders

        roders Total Gardener

        Feb 26, 2006
        :smile: Quite Zigs,It would be so much beter in this instance that 140 people had won £1,000,000...................
        • Like Like x 5
        • pete

          pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

          Jan 9, 2005
          Mid Kent
          One million would set me up, I dont think I need more than that.:)
          • Like Like x 3
          • Phil A

            Phil A Guest

            So should I start the letter, OI, CAMERON, NO. ?
            • Like Like x 1
            • Aesculus

              Aesculus Bureaucrat 34 (Admin)

              Apr 30, 2008
              Isle of Wight
              This is why I like the Irish Lottery and now the health lottery it's "enough"
            • Phil A

              Phil A Guest

              I'm still not sure what to do with all the Torf I won on the Irish Lottery.
            • clueless1

              clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

              Jan 8, 2008
              I sometimes daydream about winning that sort of money.

              I know it would change me, but I think I can safely say that it wouldn't spoil me. First I'd pay off all the mortgages of all my closest friends and relatives, and buy a house for each of the kids in the extended family, to be rented out until they needed them (or sold them to fund setting up whatever life they wanted once they were old enough).

              That would leave most of the £140 million.

              I would then look to team up with some local entrepreneurs and generally skilled organisers of things, and the money would go into projects aimed and giving people some self respect and confidence so that they can sort themselves out and build a good life. That way, everyone would benefit, me included. What's the point of having more money than you can actually use for yourself?
              • Like Like x 4
              • Jack McHammocklashing

                Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

                May 29, 2011
                Ex Civil Serpent
                Fife Scotland
                Well what to say really
                A £4m Win on the UK Lottery would be nice, but not really enough, as I would want to make sure my family and a couple of friends could live a similar lifestyle

                Even if it were just the two of us, it would be too much to stay where we are, and NOT ENOUGH to live the millionaires lifestyle

                As for the couple that have just dropped over £142Million
                They have booked a last minute Easy Jet holiday to Teneriefe :-(
                at 4 a.m set off to their 3 star tourist hotel (it will end in tears)

                They surely do not know just what they have

                It should have been hello travel agent, can you book us a private plane/BA Business class to RIO DE JANIRO Please. Penthouse suite

                Mind she did visit her bro and dad in the Caravan site along the road from us on Tuesday

                Jack McH
                • Like Like x 1
                • Phil A

                  Phil A Guest

                  Exactly Jack, its enough to destroy some people's lives.
                • Bilbo675

                  Bilbo675 Total Gardener

                  Mar 15, 2011
                  Gardener & Plant Sales
                  South Derbyshire
                  Completely agree, I've always said that there should be a cap of £1m on our lottery and then increase the lower prize bands.....I mean £10 for being half way there??!!

                  Surely it may be workable to say get £10 for 2 numbers, £100 for 3 numbers and so on if it were capped.

                  If I had just won that Euro, would it have changed me.....yes of course, but not personally, I would move to a 'slightly' bigger house not something ridiculous with 20 bedrooms etc like so many do. More land would be my main aim, but friends and family WOULD definitely benefit from any such windfall as would some charities, I mean come on the interest these two are getting is £8000 a DAY, you can't even spend the interest :biggrin:

                  The problem though I suppose is if the Jackpot of any lottery is capped at say £1m (even though that is still life changing money) it doesn't attract as many ticket buyers as £50m for example.
                • Saorsa

                  Saorsa Gardener

                  Jul 7, 2012
                  Landscape gardener
                  East Kilbride
                  A guy in my wife's work won 5.3 million on the lottery 8 years ago, believe it or not, he still works there.
                  • Like Like x 1
                  • Kandy

                    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                    Apr 23, 2006
                    Head gardener
                    In the Middle Of Blighty
                    They have just been showing on the telly a photo of a man that was standing second in the queue in the shop where the winning ticket was purchased and were saying that it would have been him that won all that money but that is a loud of rubbish because who is to say he would have picked the same winning numbers as that couple unless the numbers were of a lucky dip type:nonofinger:

                    I would love{if i did the lottery}to win a lot of money as i have loads of projects that i could start and i know that i would bring a lot of happiness to lots of charities and other organisations in this country not to mention the people who i personally know that would benefit from my win and Mr Kandy would definetley retire from work:snork:

                    I have found over the years that people i know that have money don't have the desire to spend any of it and why does anyone who is worth £900,000,000 etc need to amass even more money than what they already have?I wonder what a days interest on that little lot would be in a high interest account offshore or otherwise:rolleyespink:
                  • Bilbo675

                    Bilbo675 Total Gardener

                    Mar 15, 2011
                    Gardener & Plant Sales
                    South Derbyshire
                    An elderly guy my dad knew from Cheshire, who had quite a few friends and was a nice guy won £8m and didn't part with a penny, didn't give his kids a penny!!, even when every one met in his local pub to congratulate him he didn't even buy a round of drinks!!!, his local fishing club (which he was a member of) folded because they went broke when a small donation would have kept them going. He died a few years later....a very lonely man, not because people turned their backs on him but because he changed, all of sudden he acted like he was too good for everyone.....very sad..:frown:
                  • Kristen

                    Kristen Under gardener

                    Jul 22, 2006
                    Suffolk, UK
                    That wouldn't sell as many tickets ... which ... raises more money for the Good Causes ... and ... Recycles more Social Security. "I'd like 2 pints of milk and the rest of this benefits cheque in lottery tickets please" ...

                    "Is a person with 10 million pounds happier than a person with 9 million pounds?"

                    That would dramatically change all of them, and probably not for the better I'm afraid.

                    There was a young Lottery Winner on a documentary on the box (ages ago, he must have been one of the early winners when the UK lottery started). He had bought a nice house, cars, bikes, and "toys". Very level headed, spent a reasonable sum of money on a decent lifestyle.

                    He had flown all his mates on a private jet to a great destination to "live it up" a bit, but most of them resented it, wouldn't buy their round when they were in the pub - expecting him to buy all the rounds - and so on. Cost him most of his mates.

                    Trying to spread the money around does as much harm as good, sadly. At the very least the people will feel beholden to you ... whatever your intentions, and feelings, are.

                    Jack, mate, you've got to raise your game!! That call should have been to NetJet, or even Gulfstream, not a travel agent !!

                    THINK BIG MATE!

                    I remember reading that that crooked president of Zaire, Mobutu, apparently had a runway built "in his village" big enough so that he could charter the Air France Concorde so he could have his teeth done in Paris. That stepped my lottery dreams up a notch - e.g. chartering the Space Shuttle to go shopping in New York!!

                    Saw that picture on the front of The Sun this morning when filling up with petrol. I think it is ABSOLUTELY OBSCENE that journalists are allowed to make that sort of invasion of privacy. That bloke may well be on hard times and go into severe depression as a result; at the very least he will be ribbed by all his mates, and all the Forums in the country, like this one, ... for what? Standing in line to buy something in a shop :( - he probably didn't even buy a lottery ticket. I hope the shop/person that released the CCTV footage gets its comeuppance.

                    I'm amazed that so many people agree to "go public" when they win it big. Anonymity would be much better - and £140,000,000 ought to be able to buy that.

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