Holiday to Lisbon :)

Discussion in 'Garden Visits' started by jared lecouteur, Aug 28, 2012.

  1. jared lecouteur

    jared lecouteur Guest

    I went on holiday recently to Lisbon, Portugal. Whilst i was there i decided to visit a few of their gardens. :snork: I went to the Lisbon botanical gardens, which was once considered to be the best garden in the whole of southern Europe! It was so worth the trip, i would do it again, I highly reccommened visiting here to anyone :dbgrtmb:
  2. katiew102

    katiew102 Guest

    I have been to a couple in Lisbon myself :). Which was your favourite?
  3. jared lecouteur

    jared lecouteur Guest

    That would have to be the Lisbon botanical garden, It had so many rare breeds and they where all thriving. There are Huge palms which have been bought in from every continent, there are even super rare cycads which are virtually extinct :snork:
  4. katiew102

    katiew102 Guest

    I think I remember, I have a few great pictures from there aswell. I love garden visits, thinking of maybe taking a few more next year.
  5. jared lecouteur

    jared lecouteur Guest

    You definantly should, they are the best :biggrin: It's always great to see different gardens whilst on holiday, I'd love to do it again. Do you have an idea of where you want to go next year? :)
  6. katiew102

    katiew102 Guest

    Not really, I've heard some good things about some in North Africa, but don't really know where to start :S
  7. jared lecouteur

    jared lecouteur Guest

    • Like Like x 1
    • katiew102

      katiew102 Guest

      Oh right, wow thanks.
      Maybe I should take my own advice then haha!
    • ryncharlton

      ryncharlton Apprentice Gardener

      Aug 17, 2012
      Sounds really good , as ive said before on this forum. flying terrifies me but i love travelling. so ill deffinately look into those Jared , thanks :)

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