Just received a japonia shrub from a friend it is very well established. Can anyone give me any tips in whats best to encourage this shrub to settle after transfering.I have a dug a fairly deep hole,filled with decent compost and mixed chicken pellets and bone meal into the compost.Planted and watered well.As I am right up here in the north it is positioned in a fairly exposed area,plenty wind and salty atmosphere. Do you think it will survive ? I would be grateful for comments.Someone mentioned that I would need a partner for this one ?
Hi tattie , there are many shrub coming from japan and called joponica , can you be more specific about?
Yes that's correct it's called a japonica,unsure about rest other than it has red berries hanging,try to post a picture over the weekend,cheers for help.
Japonica just means that the plant came from Japan originally. Red berries and japonica and I would guess is Spotted Laurel/Aucuba japonica. If it is Aucuba then it looks best in shade rather than full sun (makes the leaves a deep dark, the sun makes them paler and can brown them and make them lanky). All I normally do when planting shrubs is to dig a hole 2X the size of the root ball, add compost and bone meal then put the plant in, add more compost and some of the original soil and then water.