How to build a web page

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Lyn, Nov 21, 2009.

  1. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    Yes. Its just that the sites you describe tend not to do well in search engines, and often they don't look good.

    No shame. I don't understand French, but that's only because I haven't learnt it.

    Yes. SRC="whatever picture file". SRC is just shorthand for source. You are telling the browser that you want it to display an image (IMG) and the source (SRC) of that image is whatever. If it is on you local machine, best to put it in the same folder as the HTML page, or in a subfolder called images. That way you don't have to remember to change it all when you put it online.

    Lets say you have a picture called flowers.jpg. If it is in the same folder as your html page file, your IMG tag would look like this:

    <img src="flowers.jpg">

    If it was in a subfolder called images, it would go like this:

    <img src="images/flowers.jpg>

    If the image is on another website, you just put src="the address of the pic at the other website".

    Yes. It would look like this:

    <img src="the link that photobucket gives you">

    People won't pay. They see it as though you have to press a couple of buttons and it is done. They don't appreciate the time spent on getting the design right, making sure it works etc. They phone you up at 11PM to tell you they've had an idea and can you just change this to that and expect it to take 2 minutes. Also there are far too many freelance web developers out there all competing for the same work.

    Somehow you've saved a page in RichText format. What application did you use? If you tried my little demo page, you need to put it in NotePad or another plain text editor. If you paste it into Word or anything that can handle its own formatting it will add loads of its own stuff in and won't save properly as HTML (unless of course it is an HTML editor you used).
  2. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    I used Wordpad-I thought it was the equivalent to notepad, obviously not, I'll use the notepad then lol.

    I am having issues with getting people to understand why my time costs what it does aswell at the moment. It's tough at the moment. I consider myself lucky that you will help me, and if you ever want to know how to build a profitable property portfolio anytime just ask, the dying high street shops are currently what to buy as they are going for good prices and can be easily and cheaply converted into flats usually close to amenities, train stations, etc etc lol.

    I am going to stretch my arm here and ask-as I type out this reply and I look at the tools bar, if I were to highlight a section of this message and click a tool icon, what is actually happening is that it is adding the tags to my text automatically?
  3. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    I have done it, amazing, I have learned something new today, thanks Clueless, your an angel.
  4. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    That'll be the problem. WordPad puts all sorts of gubbins in the file.

    Yes, well sort of. The tags in the forum messages go in as BB (bulletin board) code, which is a bit different, but in the background it converts it to HTML.
  5. watergarden

    watergarden have left the forum because...i'm a sad case

    Jan 14, 2007
    Can I just offer this advice:

    Never host pictues on sites like photobucket for a website.

    1) There is no point since you have a website and you can host them yourself

    2) Understandably, if the account remains inactive for X days the picture will be removed, so you will have a website with no picture.


    Although what clueless1 says may seem daunting stick with it, don't use one of those template website / hosts. They are easy to use and it could be said it looks good, but when you come to adding meta tags often you can't add them, or have no control over them, and the better you become at web design, the more limited you will find the packages are.

    Oh, I still use FrontPage (sorry)
  6. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Thanks WG I will keep it up, it can be another skill set on my CV at the very least, and I enjoy learning new things

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