Oh deli deli me...

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Loofah, Sep 13, 2012.

  1. Loofah

    Loofah Admin Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2008
    I'm in a quandarry. Work has been slow for a bit and I'm pondering new avenues, one of which is a new delicatessen. Not a coffee house or a cafe or sarnie shop but a proper deli selling charcuterie and other delights. I've contacted potential suppliers (all good) and seen a few places it might work (location is key) but obviously start up capital is an issue. I'm about to start looking at a loan from the EIB which are specifically for expanding and buying premises etc.
    The thing is I've also just been offered interview for a fairly decent role in London, the spec of which could have been written for me!
    Naturally I'm going to attend but I'm left with the question - 'Do I want to do it all again?!' (used to commute a lot, meetings and general officey business stuff) and if they offer me the job what do I do?!

    I think I'll get the info on the loan to see if I can raise the cash in the first place and if that's a yes then find a location/premises. By which time I'll know if I'm offered said job and I can decide what to do at that point.

    Thanks all, you've helped a lot :)
  2. Naylors Ark

    Naylors Ark Struggling to tame her French acres.

    Oct 15, 2009
    Indre, France
    :heehee: Just shows, sometimes all you need is to write it down.:)
    Good luck on your venture. What ever way you choose to go.
  3. catztail

    catztail Crazy Cat Lady

    May 7, 2009
    soon to be bus driver
    Best of luck with whatever you decide on Andy! And keep us posted too!
  4. Loofah

    Loofah Admin Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2008
    Early days! Had a chat with the bank after writing that lot out and after the 'essential' bouncing around between people I got told that yep, no probs the EIB loan is right for you... but they ran out of funds lol
    'Oh bugger' I say, that's that then.

    ...'Oh we do have a new product that came out a few days ago to take over from it. Do I think that might be OK?' Well yes I said, I rather think you could have mentioned it much earlier though.

    I hate bankers.

    Business plan next.
  5. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good luck with whatever you decide, and keep us posted.:blue thumb:
  6. miraflores

    miraflores Total Gardener

    Apr 16, 2006
    mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
    I personally don't think that this economic crisis atmosphere is the ideal time to open a business, even if we are approaching christmas-presents time.
    Even if customers intended to spend in your shop, the media tell them that they don't have to do that because we are broke and they just would follow the advice.

    Unless you are super confident that it is going to work for a variety of reasons, I would think it is better to juggle as a dependant employee for a couple of years.
    I don't know how old you are -which also has its importance in deciding- but I am old and wise with 3 hungry children therefore I see time wasting as a bit of a luxury(;))
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    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      Look where Loofah lives Miraflores, loads of money in that area, even in a recession.

      If you make a name for yourself in the right circles then it could be a goer Andy.

      Only thing i'd worry about is making the business rates each month, if its the same as down here, then if a shop goes out of business then the burden of rates gets spread onto the remaining shops, council still want their money.

      I think Guildford High st rates are the 3rd most expensive in the country.
    • miraflores

      miraflores Total Gardener

      Apr 16, 2006
      mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
      I don't doubt that, but that doesn't automatically mean they will spend the money in his delicatessen shop, which is what we are trying to guess.
    • loveweeds

      loveweeds Gardener

      Feb 25, 2012
      Hi Loofah,
      if you really go for the deli you might consider to have 3 legs to stand on: the deli itself, an attched (even small) resaurant and third: catering. This way you can use (near sell by-date)-stocks up better, cook things for the deli + catering(salads, quiche etc) and get people who visit the restaurant buy some of your deli foods... Deli only might be tricky these days with the tendency of more and more small (even good) shops closing down
    • Jack McHammocklashing

      Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

      May 29, 2011
      Ex Civil Serpent
      Fife Scotland
      Well Loofah, what Zigs says is correct and only YOU know the current circumstances in your area
      I have now known two serious end of businesses this current year of Deli's, and yes in none prosperous areas
      One here in Fife, the usual Deli, cafe and retaurant, closed in six months, though they never carried much IMHO of what I wanted

      The other in my brothers town Chester le Street, same Deli set up gone in six months
      I must admit all I bought there was the SA Biltong and some good coffee beans
      I get by without them, using inferiour stuff
      So unless your clients are minted, and the current situation has no effect on them then go for it
      Though I must advise you that in my previous job before I retired, I had lots of people from your area going from bankers at £250k a year to £61pw Job Seekers Allowance, the BMW gone and SPAM for tea Goodness knows if the home was paid up or on a mortgatge, which means in six months time it will have folded

      Take care and good luck in your future

      Jack McH
    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      Loofah, there's nothing wrong with wishing to start a business but there are many pitfalls and you need to look at things carefully.

      Up to a few years ago there were many places that you could get free advice but, evne in that area, things are tighter now. There are still a few Enterprise Agencies around (free advice) but I don't know about your area. Then there was Business Link - but that Quango has been redirected. There may still be one near you http://www.businesslink.gov.uk/bdotg/action/layer?r.s=tl&topicId=1073858805

      This may be of some use as well.


      Your business plan needs to be very comprehensive and you also need to look at how to protect yourself if it fails. A Limited Company gives more protection but it is usually more difficult to get landlords to accept them unless you give personal guarantees anyway. The bank will also want personal guarantees and a large chunk of the start up capital to be funded by you.

      Major expenses:- Initial capital expenses (apart from any premium for the lease) to include shop fitting and decorating, legal fees, planning permission if change of use, planning permission for your shopfront signage etc. Continuous expenses to include rent, rates, wages (+NIC etc), stock, utilities, insurance, repayment of loan, VAT (possibly), vehicle, advertising, plus many others.

      Good luck but be wary. :dbgrtmb:
    • Loofah

      Loofah Admin Staff Member

      Feb 20, 2008
      I once met a chap while working on a project in London. I was telling him about a potential piece of work that I had to consider betting the house on and the nerves obviously shone through to him (a self made man); he said 'If you can't bet your house then you don't believe it will work and should walk away'. It made me think and in all future things I have had the same discussion in my head so only do things I'm certain will work out.

      A little background on me... I've set up and help set up plenty of business, in fact I'm a business consultant. Rates have been sliced and diced and focus has shifted to the financial arena where I have zero experience hence the position I'm in. Business case writing isn't a problem but thankyou for the advice Shiney, it does focus me. (In my humble opinion by the way, business link are useless and far too tied up by the organisation itself)

      How is it in my area? Wealthy. Do they all spend it? Nope, but for a variety of reasons - not too many really good shops to spend it in and accessibility. Location is key. The shops that have been closing here have been ill-suited to location and/or were always going to be fly-by-nights. There will be other factors that I want to examine further however.

      In terms of an 'economic crisis atmosphere' a recession is the best time to open a new business as thats when you get the best deals. I agree that people read the scum gutter press and believe what is said, following like sheep because that's what they're told by people allegedly in the know. It's an issue but overcomable (is that a word?!)

      Will people spend in the shop? Yes, the ones that would have anyway at least which is my target audience if you like. The actual business model is yet to be decided but it won't be a sandwhich shop! It will partner other local businesses though so catering isn't out of the question and I like the idea of having a greengrocery area and making my own 'stuff'.

      Hmm business rates... all I can say about those is Yikes!
    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      Andy, I agree with your assessment of Business Link but they may be the only thing available. In theory Business Link ceased to exist last year but some of their places have re-emerged under the new system.

      I set up our local Enterprise Agency 35 years ago (these were originally completely independent and funded by local businesses and local grants - and the government had to put up as much as the local authority did) and it successfully helped lots of people start up in business. Then the government started putting restrictions and targets on the Agencies or we wouldn't get their funding (exactly what they said wouldn't happen :mad: ). Then they set up Business Link to administer the distribution of their funds - and they creamed a large percentage off the top for doing it :wallbanging:.

      Anyway, I don't know whether you have had retail experience with setting up the businesses that you have helped, but one of the tough parts with setting up a retail business is being able to show you have done your homework and market research.

      As the financing is usually tied to whether the financial institution think your project is right for the site it will be in, they normally like to see what you have done to examine the potential competition and whether there is call for the service you wish to provide.

      They also like to see if you have got figures for the current footfall in the immediate vicinity and the equivalent figures for previous years. Your local authority Business Developement dept should be able to supply those. Of course, high footfall usually means higher rent.

      They also like to see what plans you have for publicity and marketing - even if it's just you planning to get your family (and friends) to get out on the streets and leaflet your opening special offers. Nowadays, of course, it helps if you have a website (address on leaflets) showing a continual change in your special offers.

      Business rates:- I've been retired for a while now so don't know if they've changed things but, for retail premises, it used to be based on shop frontage. A shop that had a narrow frontage but was long would have a lower business rate than something of exactly the same area but had a wider frontage. The base rateable value was applied to the front 20ft, then a reduced rate for the next 20ft etc. Don't know if they still do that.

      Good luck.
    • miraflores

      miraflores Total Gardener

      Apr 16, 2006
      mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
      I didn't have you down as a biltong type, Jack, but hey, small world.:)
      • Like Like x 1
      • Loofah

        Loofah Admin Staff Member

        Feb 20, 2008
        Well the interview finally came around yesterday and it seemed to go well but hey, you never can tell can you?!
        The business plan continues today. I had found a great place but theres an established deli in the area already so scrapped that and the other place I had identified is now off the market. Bother.
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