Missing emoticons plus ...

Discussion in 'Site Feedback/Bugs' started by "M", Sep 11, 2012.

  1. "M"

    "M" Total Gardener

    Aug 11, 2012
    The Garden of England
    ... around 1520hrs, I logged in and clicked on "Like" post; it redirected me to a message asking: "Are you sure you want to like this post" and then the option to "like" or "cancel"; this happened on two seperate threads. The second one, I clicked to confirm; went back to the first one, tried to click "like" and it reverted to the usual method (e.g. no "R U sure?")

    Left the site to make tea, welcome the family home, yadda, yadda, yadda.

    Popped back in now, and I notice that some of the smilies/emoticons are no longer showing up? :dunno: (eg Zigs birthday thread).

    Just wondering if you have done any updates/upgrades and this may be the reason?

    Just ... saying :redface:
  2. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Oh Blimey, thats a new one. Victoria was having trouble with the Smileys too, couldn't work out why.

    No changes as far as I know, unless Aesculus has unplugged something again while he was hoovering the office.

    • Like Like x 1
    • HYDROGEN86

      HYDROGEN86 Head Gardener

      Jul 17, 2011
      in the shed
      I have had that just now lol it asked me if i was sure i wanted to click like...then by a mad coincidence i stumbled across this thread lol
      • Like Like x 1
      • Kristen

        Kristen Under gardener

        Jul 22, 2006
        Suffolk, UK
        Associated Javascript failed to load I expect (internet busy somewhere along the line and it didn't happen within the appropriate time). Javascript (or might be Java) will be used to allow you to click LIKE using a technique called "AJAX" which allows the message to be transmitted to the far end without having to refresh the whole page (as was the case in The Old Days)

        If the Javscript / Java file fails to load for any reason then when you click on LIKE (or anything else that want to do the Action using AJAX) then it will just behave like a normal link = i.e. take you to a new page, you deal with that and then you get to the page after that ...

        Similarly with missing Emoticons. They would be loaded after the main page, so if things were running like treacle your browser would give up before it actually downloaded them

        I get it quite often with Styling. The (separate) CSS Style Sheet fails to load, and the page is all in plain-text. Refresh the page and its fine again ...

        This could probably be "improved" by setting a long "time-to-live" on the server - so that users stored them in cache for longer/indefinitely (which, in turn, would place less strain on the server).
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