Has the messaging service gone and is the conversation thing like a chat room? Confused here (doesn't take much to confuse me!!)
Wotcha Jazmine, Yes, conversations are like the old personal messages, you can chat in private to another member, but they now have the option of inviting other members into the conversation, so you can have an exclusive chat room. We've been using it to arrange garden/event visits with like minded members.
Ziggy and I are mates, Jazmine, we drink his home brew and insult each other and talk a little treason every now and then
Just puttin a parcel together for you, do you still need that waterproofer for your birdbath that I forgot to send? and if you do, are you going to get it mixed up with the homebrew with fatal results?
My next door, but one, neighbour kindly gave me some water proofer for the Birdbath, Ziggy. Beside I would only drink it if it was a good year.
The site is definitely not what is was. I only get notifications to FAQ threads. Do I have to post on other areas to get notifications?