Blood boiling! (AS resits + cost)

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by "M", Sep 27, 2012.


    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    In my opinion, it's been in existence since the previous Government, at least in the final George Brown stage, but Mum, it is a policy of the present Government, like it or not. I'm not a political animal and have a complete distrust and loathing for the Political crowd and have no leanings "Left" or "Right".
    There's been a culture shift in the running of Schools for a long time now, but what you're seeing now is a hardening of the policies where a School has to cut and cut again on resources while being pressured to raise monies other than from the Government. The Government is withdrawing from it's responsibilities for Education, welfare, and general services to the Public and pushing organisations to fend for themselves You have only to watch the TV and listen to the Radio to hear about their policies of presenting "Challenges" to organisation that will "make them a more efficient and productive organisation"It's a reflection on the financial and administration pressures placed on Head Teachers and the like. They're now more worried about finding funding because of the "challenges" being forced upon them by a Government intent on cutting back.
    • Like Like x 1
    • "M"

      "M" Total Gardener

      Aug 11, 2012
      The Garden of England
      Doesn't mean I have to pay for some other child's re-sits! My own, yes (and willingly); but not every Tom, Dick and Harry at my expense! Nor should it be taken as a "given".
    • Fidgetsmum

      Fidgetsmum Total Gardener

      Jul 25, 2009
      Deepest, darkest Kent
      All I'd say is are you/they absolutely sure that a re-sit is necessary?

      I know some schools insist on a B at GCSE before they will allow students to go on and study that same subject to A level, but - as a Governor at two schools - I've not come across similar stipulations for AS to A - in essence what I'm saying is, is this the boys' decision or pressure from their respective schools?

      If it's just a matter of a 'better' AS grade (as opposed to not having passed) then my suggestion would be don't bother. Since it's only the actual A-level grades/points Unis are interested in, you could be spending money unnecessarily.

      And apropos nothing really, but just as a BTW - for anyone with youngsters deciding on (or being 'required' to take - as some schools insist students do) General Studies as an 'extra' A-level subject, it's worth bearing in mind that when calculating points - or grades - very few Unis accept it as a 'legitimate' subject and many a Uni prospectus will say something like " ... ABB/300 points, excluding General Studies"
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      • ARMANDII

        ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

        Jan 12, 2019
        Why not, Mum?[Or at least that's the thinking of today's Politicians] As I said earlier parents are a captive audience and target for being pressured into contributing. You don't think you'd just be charged a "fair" fee without a surcharge being slipped on as well did you? When schools in the National Education System are being forced to run as though they were private businesses because of Government withdrawal of finances and resources they are going to past the load onto parents. It's not about fairness, justice, children being given's about money, decisions being taken by people on high incomes, remote from the stresses and strains families are facing.
        I think you're right in wanting your children in taking a resit as you have the knowledge, love and faith, to know what they're capable of. I thought the decision to change the marking system while in mid-stream was idiotic and unfair to the pupils taking the exams. If it was going to take place then it should have been announced that it would take place at a future date giving the Teachers and pupils time to prepare.
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        • "M"

          "M" Total Gardener

          Aug 11, 2012
          The Garden of England
          FM - it's a bit of both really; my sons both being determined to improve if the chance exists (not their fault circumstances gave them a bit of a sideways shunt last year) and yes, there is a pressure from the school (actually, more so from the school that I have issues about their "fees").

          Update: eventually received a call this morning, with a "revised" charge for ds#2's re-sits; which correspond with the published amounts sent via ds#1.
        • "M"

          "M" Total Gardener

          Aug 11, 2012
          The Garden of England
          Based on your post, my intentions are: pay the fee (which I have, under the revision ;) ).

          I won't be making any waves for the next few months, as I always have in the back of my mind a concern that it could backfire on my son? :noidea:

          Once his final exams are over, I fully intend to write to the school board regarding their policy. Any further, I shall decide after I have their reply ;)

          The thing is, it was my son who drew it to my attention in the first instance (canny lad!).

          Subsequent to Friday's outcome, son has told his peers that very afternoon that he is now paying "less" than they are for the very same exams.

          I think .... Mr F's phone line may well be busy come Monday :whistle:

          I *do* get that schools have to keep, not only within budget, but have a bit of a surplus and that is why I'm an advocate of school subs (which many parents are ignorant of/about). I just think this stealth version of raising funds is ethically misjudged.
          • Like Like x 2
          • Fat Controller

            Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

            May 5, 2012
            Public Transport
            At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
            I'd sincerely hope that it wouldn't backfire on your son, however I think you are right to pursue the matter further at some point in the future.

            I like what your lad has done though - and hopefully the school's phone is red hot tomorrow!
            • Like Like x 1
            • "M"

              "M" Total Gardener

              Aug 11, 2012
              The Garden of England
              :heehee: Thank you, fc :blue thumb:
              • Like Like x 1

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