I don't cycle so I'm not quite sure . After a while it gets painful sitting on the fence. http://www.lbc.co.uk/watch-cyclist-anger-at-dangerous-police-driver-60839
Nick? Ferrari on L.B.C. this morning hit the nail on the head when he said that Today, Police are so arrogant". Cheers, Tony.
Looking at it, the cyclist was in the midlle part of that lane, i was told to cycle about a foot from the near side or to the nearside white line if in a two lane part, then there is more room for overtaking, but undertaking is illegal Also was the policeman wering his selt belt ??????
Check the Day Mail, today there is a article on the Forty Sheds of Grey, thought it was very funny. Tried to post it to view, but am not good with computer.
When I was learning to drive. . . .I was always told "Overtake cyclists leaving enough room for them to fall off". As a driver and cyclist I have always tried to do this, then watch the vehicle behind just scrape past the same cyclist. Cheers, Tony.
from what I remember of the higway code, youre supposed to give a bike as much room as you would a car. and undertaking is illegal in ALL circumstances i thought? tosser copper
Copper clearly in the wrong. Undertaking then cutting off the cyclist. That said, its a city cyclist, so probably did his fair share of naughty manoeuvres, and then just chose to show the world the one bit where he was wronged.
Current cycle and Motor cylce training schools state "Be authoritive" and take up position in the middle of the lane you are using I too was always told to cycle one foot away from the Kerb, and find the practice of cyclists and motor cyclists hogging the centre of the lane annoying. especially when going very slow well below the speed limit Jack McH
I detest cyclists with a passion, especially as I live on the fringe of London, and work on the streets of London on a daily basis - however, in this case, I have to agree that the police officer was well and truly in the wrong. Yet again the actions of the individual are casting a huge shadow over the whole organisation - the Met have some fine men and women in their ranks, yet all to often they are let down by arrogant, self-serving individuals such as the one shown in the video.